Past events - 2001 & 2000 (most recent first),
including links to presentations -
Series on Methods in Health Disparities Research:"Racial Differences in Prostate
Cancer Treatment Outcomes." - December
7, 2001, 3:30-5:00 p.m, Rosenfeld Conference Room, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health
Services Research, 725 Airport Road. Guest Speaker: Paul Godley, MD, PhD, Associate
Professor of Medicine & Principal Investigator for one of the Center of Excellence
on Overcoming Racial Health Disparities projects, "Racial Differences in Prostate
Cancer Treatment Outcomes." will present a progress report on his project.
7th Annual Rural Minority Health Conference -
December 6-7, 2001. Four Points Sherton Riverwalk Hotel North San Antonio, Texas.
Sponsored by the National Rural Health Association with funding from the Federal
Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Sevices Admi nistration (HRSA)
and the Bureau of Primary Health Care. This year's Special focus is rural minority
women and their families.
Celebrating 50
years of integration at UNC-CH - UNC law
professor Charles Daye and others will speak at 5:30pm, Friday, 11/30/2001 in
the Great Hall of the Frank Porter Graham Students Union on the UNC-CH campus.
"A New Approach To Hierarchical Bayes Small
Area Estimation For Survey Data". - November
27th from 12-1pm at Mayes Center, RM 230 Rosenau Hall, UNC-CH. Videoconference
on Small Area Variation by Dr.Avinish Singh, Principal Scientist, Statistical
Research Division, RTI International.
in Targeting Minority Groups from General Population Samples ".
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001., 3:00pm. Faculty colloquium
held at the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, Room 15 Manning Hall,
UNC-CH. Presentation by Dr. William Kalsbeek, Director, Center for Health Statistics
of an Other Rican: Race, Nationality, and Identity in the Caribbean Americas."
- Thursday, November 29,Toy Lounge, Dey Hall, 5:30 PM. Reading
and talk by Dr. Roberto Marquez, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Latin American
and Caribbean Studies at Mount Holyoke College. Sponsored by the UNC-CH English
Department and the College of Arts and Sciences. Contact Dr. DeGuzman at
for more information.
2001 Regional Conference: "Racial Disparities in Health Care Outcomes: Sources,
Science, and Solutions" - November 30th
- December 2nd, at the Durham Hilton. Sponsored by the Student National Medical
Association. The registration
form and fee must be received by Duke SNMA by Oct 15th for early registration
and Late Registration by November 15th .
2001 Regional Conference: "Racial Disparities in Health Care Outcomes: Sources,
Science, and Solutions" - November 30th
- December 2nd, at the Durham Hilton. Sponsored by the Student National Medical
Association. The registration
form and fee must be received by Duke SNMA for registration to be complete.
The fee must be received by Oct 15th for early registration and Late Registration
Fee by November 15th .
Crossing Borders: Cruzando
Fronteras A Focus on Immigration and Transculturation -
November 4-19, 2001 , The XV Latin American Film and Video Festival . Showings
in Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte. Sponsored by the Outreach
Office of the Consortium in Latin American Studies at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University together with NC State University,
NC Central University, UNC-Greensboro, and Guilford College. This year's focus
will be on immigration and transculturation. The film
festival program (Programa
del Festival de Cine 2001 en espaņol) also includes pre-film lectures and
visits by renowned film directors. New
video selections (including some movies screened at the XV Latin American
Film and Video Festival ) at the Outreach Office Video Library located at at 223
E. Franklin St, UNC-CH.
Series on Methods in Health Disparities Research: "Disparities
in Outcomes of Treatment of Back Pain: Patient and Provider Perceptions."
- November 16, 200, 3:30-5:00 p.m, Rosenfeld Conference
Room, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, 725 Airport Road. Guest
Speaker: Dr. Timothy Carey, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine, Director of the Cecil
G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research.
Participatory Research - series of 3 symposia -
September 14, October 12, November 16, 2001; University of Washington Health
Promotion Research Center, Seattle; co-sponsored by Community-Campus Partnerships
for Health and Seattle Partners for Healthy Communities, with funding from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Further information from Sarena
Conscious Voting Rights in a Multiracing Democracy: Contrasting the Racial-Spatial
Paradigms of the South and California." -
Wednesday, November 14, 2001, 3:00 - 5:00 PM, Room 405, Carolina Population Center.
First seminar of The Institute of African American Research "Race, Demography,
and Inequality" Seminar Series for 2001-2002. By Professor John C. Calmore, UNC
Chapel Hill Law School.
implementation and evaluation of a community based diabetes prevention and control
program - November 13, 2001 12:30 PM,Room
1301 McGavran-Greenberg Hall Presented By Dr. Mark Daniel. For additional information,
Contact: Aileen McGinn at (919) 966-1967 or
Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
- October 31 to November 3, 2001. Disney's Coronado Springs
Resort, Orlando, FL. Sponsored by The National Institute of General Medical Sciences
(NIGMS), Division of Minority Opportunities in Research Program (MORE) with funding
from the American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
11th Annual
Statewide AIDS Sunday Event -
Sunday, October 28, 2001. Sponsored by Cape Fear Regional Bureau for Community
Action, Inc. Press Conference with representatives from the Governor's Office
at 2:30pm at Fayetteville Community Church, 663 Middle Road, Fayetteville, NC(directions:
910-323-5313). AIDS Sunday Spiritual Services, Keynote speaker: Rev. Beverly Spivey,
MD, 3:30pm at Fayetteville Community Church. AIDS Sunday Awards and Banquet, Keynote
speaker: Carmen Hooker Buell, Secretary, NC Department of Health and Human Services,
6:30pm at 3415 Greenvalley Road, Fayetteville. For additional information: Mr.
Ashley Rozier, II, Founder & CEO, 910-483-9177.
Black Young Professionals Public Health Network -
Monday, October 22, 2001, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Atlanta Marriott Marquis Salon D, International
Hall South ,Atlanta, GA. The Black Young Professionals Public Health Network (The
NETWORK) will debut at this year's American Public Health Association's (APHA)
conference in Atlanta. It was established in recognition of an increased need
for more deliberate and concerted opportunities for professional development of
African Americans in the APHA and in the public health field.
World-Health for All: Africa to the Diaspora" -
Black Caucus of Health Workers Annual Educational Symposium (pre-APHA).
Saturday, October 20,2001 (11:00 am to 5:00 pm), Auburn Avenue Research
Library, Atlanta, GA.
The 4th annual NC Environmental Justice Summit -
Oct 19-20, 2001, Edgecombe County. Sponsored by the NC Environmental Justice
Network, the summit brings together communities affected by environmental injustices
with government officials, environmental activists, researchers and others, to
discuss problems and solutions. Advance registration is any time before the Oct
19. Registration form. The
Summit would be of special interest to anyone planning to take Epid
278, Community Driven Epidemiology and Environmental Justice. The summit has
funding to cover registration and travel for a limited number of UNC students;
if you want to be considered contact Steve
Wing. For general information contact: Grace
Marsh , NCEJN Summit Coordinator Ph: (919) 856-1900.
Gender, Class: Working Together for Social Justice"-
October 18-20, 2001, Radisson Hotel, New Orleans. Southern
University at New Orleans Race, Gender & Class Project Third Annual Conference.
Co-Organizer: Applied Research Center/ColorLines. Deadline for receipt of
symposium and panel proposals: September 15, 2001.
Time for Action - Closing the Racial and Ethnic Health Gaps in Minnesota"
- Satellite Conference. Tuesday, October 16, 2001,
10 a.m - 1. 30 p.m (Eastern Time).
"Disasters and the Public
Health Safety Net: Hurricane Floyd Hits the North Carolina Medicaid Program"
- Monday, October 8, 2001 at 1pm, Seminar by Mariso
Domino and Bruce Fried of the Department of Health Policy and Administration,
in the Kaluzny Conference Room at the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services
Research.This is the inaugural seminar in the new seminar series on Health Services
Research in Low-Income Populations.
"A New
Tapestry of Science: Woven across Cultures and Disciplines"
Society for
Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) 2001
National Conference. September 27-30, 2001; Phoenix Civic Plaza
Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
In Action - Eliminating Health Disparities" - National
videoconference, September 26, 2001, Noon to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Sponsored
by: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration, Bureau of Primary Health Care.
"The Role of Community-Driven Epidemiology in Reducing
Health Disparities Research" - Steven.B.Wing,
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, UNC-CH. Friday, September,
21, 2001 3:30-5:00 p.m., Rosenfeld Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Cecil Sheps Center
for Health Services Research, 725 Airport Road. Refreshments served. Seminar Series
on Methods in Health Disparities Research, sponsored by the Center of Excellence
on Overcoming Racial Health Disparities.
"Human Genetics, Environment, and
Communities of Color: Ethical and Social Implications"
- Thursday September 20th, 2001, 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Columbia University, Alfred Lerner Hall (116th & Broadway), New York City.
Co-sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS),
the NIEHS Center for Environmental Health at the Mailman School of Public Health
at Columbia University, and the Harlem Health Promotion Center.
Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA)
presents - Professor Chuck Stone, speaking
on minority involvement in the School of Pharmacy and the community. Wednesday
September 19, 2001, 5.30pm, School of Pharmacy, 103 Beard Hall.
"Don't throw away the
Oars until the Boat Reaches the Shore" - The
2001 Kentucky State African American Leadership Conference on HIV / AIDS
September 7-9, 2001, Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville.
Featuring entertainer and former spokesperson for the National Minority AIDS Council,
Ms. Patti LaBelle, in concert.
"Ethnic Disparities in Perinatal Outcomes in the US" (Slides)
- Seminar by Vijaya Hogan, Thursday, September
6, 2001, 331 Rosenau Hall, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Dr. Hogan is a candidate
for Director, Curriculum in Reducing Health Disparities. For more information
please contact Melissa Walker at 966-3245.
the Medical Marketplace, and Health Care Disparities" - Public
Workshop Thursday, September 6, 2001, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Lecture
Room, The National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington,
D.C. Conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the IOM
Committee on Understanding and Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health
Care. A distinguished panel of legal and health policy scholars representing
diverse political perspectives will consider the pros and cons of legal, regulatory,
and other market interventions to reduce disparities. Seating is limited. To attend,
please r.s.v.p. to Thelma Cox at (202) 334-1755.
World Conference against Racism,
Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia - August
31 - 7 September, 2001; South Africa. Related links:
NGO's (How
individuals can participate) South
African NGO organizing committee
Sonja Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center Awareness Week - August
27-31, 2001; see schedule in the SHS
BCC Calendar.
"Issues in Racial Disparities and Women's Health" - Seminar
by Monique Chireau, Wednesday, August 29, 2001, 101 Rosenau Hall,
3:30-4:30 p.m. Dr. Chireau is a candidate for Director, Curriculum in Reducing
Health Disparities. For more information please contact Melissa
Walker at 966-3245.
"Racial/Ethnic Differences in Patient's Assessments of Health Care"
- Seminar by Leo Morales, Friday, August 24,
2001, 3:30-4:30 pm, 235 Rosenau, UNC School of Public Health.
More information from
" Utilization of Health Services by Children of Migrant Farm Workers"
- Seminar by Andrea Weathers, M.D., Dr.P.H.,
Friday, August 17, 2001; 3:30-5:00 p.m., 1304 McGavran Greenberg Hall.
Co-sponsored by the Center of Excellence on Overcoming Racial Health Disparities
as part of the Seminar Series on Methods in Health Disparities Research. Dr. Weathers
is a candidate for Director, Curriculum in Reducing Health Disparities.
"Bringing Justice to Criminal Justice - How Communities
are Organizing" - Fund for Southern Communities,
20th Anniversary Membership Conference. July 27-28, 2001, Durham Marriott
at the Civic Center.
"Race, Sex and Clinical Decision-Making"- Friday,
July 20, 2001, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Kevin A. Schulman,
M.D. Arnold D. Kaluzny Conference Room, Cecil Sheps Center for
Health Services Research, 2nd Floor, 725 Airport Road. Refreshments
served. Seminar Series on Methods in Health Disparities Research,
sponsored by the Center of Excellence on Overcoming Racial Health Disparities
the Culture of Research: People, Participation, Partnerships & Practical Tools
- The Fourth Annual Community Research Network Conference,
July 6-8, 2001, University of Texas at Austin, full and partial scholarships
- Over
180 satellite downlink sites
Summer Public Health Research Videoconference on Minority Health - June
18-22, 2001, via c-band. Originating in Chapel Hill, NC (previous
Some of the
things we said we would post on our website
Information about:
Speakers Agenda
CEU credits Downlink
sites Videotapes
materials Webcasts
The 2001 Videoconference was co-sponsored
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for HIV, STD,
and TB Prevention, UNC Center
for Health Statistics Research, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, and GlaxoSmithKline.
Credits and acknowledgements
Disparities: Addressing the Social Determinants of Health -
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
conference, June 27-30, 2001, Sheraton Capital Center Hotel and Raleigh (NC) Convention
& Conference Center Raleigh, NC.
of Change: Lessons from Citizen Planners - Planners
Network 2001 National Conference; June 21-24, 2001; University
of Rochester, New York
the Gap: Eliminating Health Disparities in the Piedmont" -
With Quinton Baker. Tuesday, June 12, 2001, 9:30am-3:30pm, Holiday Inn Express
/ Guilford Convention Center. Sponsored by Greensboro
Area Health Education Center (AHEC).
Human Rights: Social Change in the 21st Century -
June 7-10, 2001, Atlanta. Sponsored by the Society for Community Research
and Action.
Student/Youth Conference to Defend Affirmative Action and Integration and Struggle
for Equality - June 1-3, 2001, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Limits of Epidemiology in the Study of Etiologic Hypotheses Involving Race/Ethnicity" - Jay
S. Kaufman, Ph.D., Friday, May 18, 2001, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Arnold
D. Kaluzny Conference Room, Cecil
Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Refreshments. Sponsored
by the Center of Excellence for Overcoming Racial Health Disparities as part of
their Seminar Series on Methods in Health Disparities Research (more
Class, and Environment: The State of Minority Health -
23rd Annual Minority Health Conference,
UNC School of Public Health
- Sponsored
by the Minority Student Caucus, the Center for Public Health Practice, and the
Minority Health Project, February 16, 2001, Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC
Keynote Lecturer: Richard Moore
(Planning Committee Information)
24th Annual Minority Health Conference: March 1, 2002 William T. Small,
Jr. Keynote Lecture by Sherman
A. James, Ph.D.
Summer Public Health Research Videoconference and Institute on Minority Health -
June 12-16, 2000, 1:30pm-4:30pm, EDT (from Chapel Hill, NC)
Dates for 2001: June 18-22.
materials Follow-up
for Videoconference presentations
Lawrence Zollicoffer Lecture: "Acting Outside the Box--The Challenge of Health
Disparities" - Presented by A. Dennis McBride,
M.D., M.P.H., NC State Health Director
Friday, February 25 2000 at 4:00 PM,
UNC School of Medicine Clinic Auditorium.
Annual Minority Health Conference - Public Health 2000: Reflections on the Past,
Directions for the Future - Friday,
February 18, 2000, at the Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC. Presented by the UNC
School of Public Health Minority Student Caucus, the Minority Health Conference
addressed important issues affecting communities and populations of color.
William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Address, by Keith Wailoo, Ph.D.
Read about previous conferences in this
(past) events - 2002 |