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UNC Program for Ethnicity, Culture,
and Health Outcomes (ECHO)
“Stress Reduction in the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease:
Randomized, Controlled Trial of Transcendental Meditation and Health Education in Blacks”
- Robert H. Schneider, Clarence E. Grim, Maxwell V. Rainforth,
Theodore Kotchen, et al,
Randomized, controlled trial in 201 black men and women with coronary heart disease who were randomized to the TM program or health education. Composite outcome of all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, or stroke was significantly less common in the TM group.
“479: Little War on the Prairie”
- This American Life: John Biewen
Growing up in Mankato, Minnesota, John Biewen says, nobody ever talked about the most important historical event ever to happen there: in 1862, it was the site of the largest mass execution in U.S. history. Thirty-eight Dakota Indians were hanged after a war with white settlers. John went back to Minnesota to figure out what really happened 150 years ago, and why Minnesotans didn't talk about it much after.
“474: Back to School”
- This American Life: Ira Glass
Ira Glass talks with Paul Tough, author of the new book , about the traditional ways we measure ability and intelligence in American schools. They talk about the focus on cognitive abilities, conventional "book smarts", and standardized testing in American education, and then turn to a new approach to some of the biggest challenges facing American schools today. Paul Tough discusses how "non-cognitive skills" - qualities like tenacity, resilience, impulse control - are being viewed as increasingly vital in education. Ira speaks with economist James Heckman, who's been at the center of this research, and Dr. Nadine Burke Harris about how poverty-related stress can affect brain development, and inhibit the development of non-cognitive skills.
“How Far Have We Come in Reducing Health Disparities?: Progress Since 2000 - Workshop Summary”
- Institute of Medicine
Summary of an April 8, 2010 IOM workshop that discussed progress to address health disparities and focused on the success of various federal initiatives since 2000 to reduce health disparities
“Translating Epidemiologic Findings into Action to Eliminate Disparities”
- Victor J. Schoenbach
Presented at the American College of Epidemiology
Minority Affairs Committee Workshop,
Chicago, IL, September 8, 2012
“ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America”
- PBS Frontline
New documentary by The Age of AIDS director Renata Simone airs July 10, 2012. Terry Gross interviewed Renata Simone and Robert Fullilove, who appears in the documentary, on Fresh Air, July 5, 2012:
“By the Numbers: The U.S.'s Growing For-Profit Detention Industry”
- Suevon Lee, ProPublica
Statistics for detention in private facilities in the U.S., including breakouts for the two largest corporations and their political donations.
“We need to talk about an injustice”
- Bryan Stevenson
"In an engaging and personal talk -- with cameo appearances from his grandmother and Rosa Parks -- human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson shares some hard truths about America's justice system, starting with a massive imbalance along racial lines: a third of the country's black male population has been incarcerated at some point in their lives. These issues, which are wrapped up in America's unexamined history, are rarely talked about with this level of candor, insight and persuasiveness."
Bryan Stevenson is the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, fighting poverty and challenging racial discrimination in the criminal justice system
“A Lost Decade: Neighborhood Poverty and the Urban Crisis of the 2000s”
- Rolf Pendall, Ph.D., Elizabeth Davies, Lesley Freiman and Rob Pitingolo
"the rise in concentrated poverty since 2000 is a significant setback compared with progress in the 1990s"
“Segregated Spaces, Risky Places: The Effects of Racial Segregation on Health Inequalities”
- Thomas A. LaVeist, Ph.D., Darrell Gaskin, Ph.D. and Antonio J. Trujillo, Ph.D.
"segregation continues to be an important determinant of health inequalities . . .the more segregated the city, the higher the incidence of negative health outcomes."
“Why racial integration remains an imperative”
- Elizabeth Anderson
, John Rawls Collegiate Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This article, in the Poverty and Race Research Action Council July/August 2011 newsletter, is a precis of her 2010 book The Imperative of Integration (Princeton Univ Press).
“Epidemiology and the People's Health: Theory and Context”
- Nancy Krieger
See Epidemiology Monitor interview with Nancy Krieger at and preview at
“Annual Report: U.S. Cancer Death Rates Decline, but Disparities Remain”
- American Cancer Society
"Newly published statistics from the American Cancer Society show that cancer death rates in the U.S. continue to decrease, but that cancer death rates for the least educated segment of the population are 2-1/2 times higher than for the most educated."
“'Meditation mends troubled school in San Francisco' - SF Examiner”
- Mario Orsatti
"According to a recent news report in the San Francisco Examiner, the Transcendental Meditation program has produced remarkable improvements in academic performance and student conduct in one of San Francisco's most troubled schools." (includes video)
“The history of Durham schools, 1882-1929: Learning from the past”
- Heather Wiese
Digital Durham, Trudi Abel and Victoria Szabo, 4/20/2011
“Durham, North Carolina, Residential Security Map”
North Carolina Maps
"An astounding mortgage redlining 'Residential Security Map' of Durham was recently digitized by Dr. Richard Marciano, a professor in the University of North Carolina's School of Information and Library Science. Until now, viewing this map would have required a trip to the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
In 1937 the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, in consultation with local real estate brokers, mapped Durham into four color-coded grades of neighborhood desirability, based upon a number of factors, like house condition, inhabitant income, occupation, and ethnicity.
The term 'redlining' was coined decades later to describe this now-illegal practice of geographic discrimination that produced, as Marciano puts it, 'exclusionary spaces.'
While several North Carolina towns were mapped this way, Marciano decided to research Durham first because of its 'richness, deep history, [and] redevelopment policies -- it's absolutely unique.' The map 'documents some of the [historic] urban development policies ... that are very relevant to the reinvestment priorities of today.'"
Andrew Edmonds. "Preservationists going digital", The Herald-Sun, 5/29/2011, D1, D5
“Freedom Riders”
American Experience / PBS / WGBH Educational Foundation
“Feds find 'systemic violations of civil rights' by New Orleans police department”
- A.C. Thompson, ProPublica
The Institute for Southern Studies
The U.S. Department of Justice released a 158-page report last week on the New Orleans Police Department, identifying a host of deep systemic problems, including a pattern of discriminatory policing, the routine use of "unnecessary and unreasonable" force, and a chronic failure to discipline officers involved in misconduct.
“Bill Jenkins interview on Radio In Vivo”
Radio InVivo (WCOM-FM, 103.5),
“APHA Opening Session Keynotes by Drs. Cornell West and Bill Jenkins”
The full presentations are at
“The Epidemiology of Diversity in Epidemiology”
- Victor J. Schoenbach
Presentation at the American College of Epidemiology Minority Affairs Workshop on the history of the Minority Affairs Committee and possible future directions
“The myth of meritocracy and African American health”
- Naa Oyo A. Kwate and Ilan H. Meyer
American Journal of Public Health 2010(October);100(10):1831-1834.
". . . in the context of racism and other barriers to success, meritocratic ideology may act as a negative health determinant for African Americans"
“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: Advancing Health Equity for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Populations”
- Dennis P. Andrulis, Nadia J. Siddiqui, Jonathan P. Purtle, Lisa Duchon
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies July 2010
Analysis of the health care reform law in regard to its implications for minority health disparities. A webinar with the authors can be found at
“The Angry Heart”
- Jay Fedigan
Video documentary on the devastating ongoing impact of heart disease and racism on African-Americans in this country.
“The Deadliest Disease in America”
- Crystal Emery
"This documentary follows the story of four individuals, all of whom experienced racism in seeking medical care. The film also highlights five organizations throughout the country, from New England to Texas, that are making significant strides in resolving this crisis. . . . The documentary is a vehicle to stimulate conversations among audiences�conversations that will result in real transformations to our dysfunctional health care system."
“Gary Grant featured on UNC-TV program on Environmental Heroes”
NC community activist Gary Grant is featured in a segment of the UNC Center for Public Television program Environmental Heroes, hosted by Dr. Tom Linden, professor at the University of North Carolina and director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication's Medical and Science Journalism Program. The segment with Gary Grant begins at time point 07:30.
“In the Shadow of Power”
- Kike Arnal
Foreword by Fred Ritchin. Introduction by Ralph Nader. A shocking visual exposé of the harsh social and economic realities in our Nation's capital.
“Reports and online BlogTalkRadio”
Black Women's Health Imperative
Founded as the National Black Women's Health Project in 1983 by health activist and McArthur genius Byllye Y. Avery, the Imperative promotes optimal health for African American women across their lifespan - physically, mentally and spiritually - through providing health resources and information, community health and wellness education, advocacy and health policies, and reports on relevant research about the health status of America's Black women.
“NCCU Public Health celebrates 60 years”
- Neil Offen, Herald-Sun
“Universal access to quality education: research and recommendations for the elimination of curricular stratification”
- Carol Corbett Burris, Kevin G. Welner, and Jennifer Weiser Bezoza.
For well over twenty-five years, education commissions and prominent researchers have documented the negative effects of curricular stratification -- the practice of grouping students into different classes by perceived ability, commonly known as tracking or ability grouping. With little debate remaining on the need for change, the primary research focus has shifted to the implementation for reform -- for movement toward heterogeneous grouping. Learning from examples of schools that have abolished curricular stratification and promoted outstanding student achievement, this brief highlights lessons and offers recommendations for changing policy and practice. At the conclusion of this brief, it presents model statutory code language that could be adopted by a state wishing to implement the recommendations. See also Poverty & Race, Jan/Feb 2010 from the Poverty & Race Research Action Council.
“Thinking Tools, Science Curricula, and Cultural Learning: Does the disconnect promote poor performance by minorities in STEM subjects?”
- Norman Lownds, PhD; Kenneth Poff, PhD; Michele Root-Bernstein, PhD; and Robert Root-Bernstein, PhD.
In SACNAS News Spring 2010, pp.8-9.
“America's secret ICE castles”
- Jacqueline Stevens
The Nation
Report on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) secret detention centers in the U.S. See also and
“The Subtle Transmission of Race Bias via Televised Nonverbal Behavior”
- Max Weisbuch, Kristin Pauker, Nalini Ambady
Characters on 11 popular television shows exhibited more negative nonverbal behavior toward black than toward status-matched white characters. Science 18 December 2009; 326(5960):1711-1714 and Perspective by John F. Dovidio, p1641-2
“Native American Health Issues”
- Anthony Fleg and Brittany Simmons
UNC Healthcare Department of Family Medicine
WCHL Radio interview (Your Health) with Anthony Fleg, Director of the UNC Native Health Initiative, and Brittany Simmons. Hosted by Drs. Adam Goldstein and Cristy Page. The interview begins 10 minutes into the program. More information about Your Health can be found at and
“HIV testing in North Carolina - a pathway to universal access”
- Peter A. Leone, M.D.
World AIDS Day 2009 update on HIV incidence in the U.S. and N.C. with a focus on continuing disparities for African Americans.
“Shattered Hearts: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of American Indian Women And Girls in Minnesota”
- Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce, Ph.D.
For the Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center, Minneapolis MN
“President Obama opens Tribal Nations Conference”
- President Barack Obama
Remarks by the President during the opening of the tribal nations conference and interactive discussion with tribal leaders. Text version is at
“The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools”
- McKinsey & Company
An independent report by McKinsey & Company: "Given the $600 billion that the United States spends annually on its public school systems, and the enormous economic stakes riding on
improved student achievement, it is remarkably shortsighted to invest so little in insights about educational performance."
“Statement for 9/25/2009 health care reform press conference,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina ”
- Arthur Axelbank, M.D.
A family physician explains the unwieldly process of navigating the health care payers environment - imagine a check-out line in a supermarket having to accept any of 25 different currencies, each good for some items and not others. Would you ever get through the line?
“Epidemiology, Public Health and Public Policy”
- James S. Marks, M.D., M.P.H.
In this eloquent lecture to the American College of Epidemiology 2009 annual meeting, Dr. Marks addressed social and policy determinants of health, the role of epidemiology, and the relation between public health and social justice.
“Industrial jungle in eastern North Carolina”
- Barbara K. Rimer, Dr.P.H.
Dean Rimer reports on a visit to Duplin County, NC to learn about Industrial Farm Animal Production (IFAP)
“Indian Health Care's Broken Promises”
- Mary Clare Jalonick (AP)
“Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South”
- Southern Poverty Law Center
Latinos in the South encounter widespread hostility, discrimination and exploitation. They are routinely cheated out of their earnings, denied basic health and safety protections, regularly subjected to racial profiling and harassment by law enforcement, victimized by criminals who know they are reluctant to report attacks, and frequently forced to prove themselves innocent of immigration violations, regardless of their legal status. This treatment, which many Latinos liken to the oppressive climate of racial subordination that blacks endured during the Jim Crow era, is encouraged by politicians and media figures. Southern Poverty Law Center researchers surveyed 500 low-income Latinos - including legal residents, undocumented immigrants and U.S. citizens - at five locations in the South and found a population under siege, living in fear. Even legal residents and U.S. citizens of Latino descent say that racial profiling, bigotry and myriad other forms of discrimination and injustice are staples of their daily lives. Systemic discrimination against Latinos in the region - by both private and public entities - constitutes a civil rights crisis that must be addressed.
“Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement”
Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement seeks to inspire scholarly collaboration and develop new ways of creating and sharing scholarship on the civil rights movement. By focusing on the "Long Civil Rights Movement," our project seeks to broaden and deepen the traditional understanding of the civil rights movement as a 1960s-era American phenomenon. It stretches the movement's timeline to include its origins and its aftermath, and connects it with contemporary controversies such as school resegregation, environmental and economic justice, with related efforts for social justice such as the women's and gay rights movements, and even with the forces arrayed against them. It also reaches beyond the borders of the United States, seeking out the civil rights movement's global connections.
“The courage to lead: One man's journey in public service”
- Howard N. Lee
recounts his election as the first African American to become mayor of a predominantly white southern town, the first African American to serve in the governor's cabinet of a southern state post-Reconstruction. Governer James B. Hunt, Jr. has called him "North Carolina education's greatest champion." Dr. William Friday interviewed Howard Lee on UNC-TV North Carolina People,
“President Barack Obama's First Inauguration Address”
The Minority Health Project celebrates the Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama
“The State of Black Student Freshman Enrollments at the Nation's Highest-Ranked Colleges and Universities”
- The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
UNC ranks first in the number of black first-year students admitted to the highest ranked universities and second, behind Columbia, in the percentage of blacks among first-year students
“Reducing the racial achievement gap: a social psychological intervention”
- Geoffrey L. Cohen, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfil, Allison Master
Science 1 Sep 2006;313:1307
". . . a brief in-class writing assignment, significantly improved the grades of African American students and reduced the racial achievement gap by 40%." (abstract)
“The Enduring Legacy of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study”
- Vanessa Northington Gamble, M.D., Ph.D.
Health Sciences Journal
YouTube video of the LeNoir/NMA Memorial Lecture, 24 January 2003
“A Class Divided”
- PBS Frontline
Public Broadcasting System
One day in 1968, Jane Elliott, a teacher in a small, all-white Iowa town, divided her third-grade class into blue-eyed and brown-eyed groups and gave them a daring lesson in discrimination. This is the story of that lesson, its lasting impact on the children, and its enduring power years later. (1985, 57 minutes)
“Viva la Causa!”
Teaching Tolerance, A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center
Viva La Causa focuses on one of the seminal events in the march for human rights - the grape strike and boycott led by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta in the 1960s. Viva la Causa will show how thousands of people from across the nation joined in a struggle for justice for the most exploited people in our country - the workers who put food on our tables. Teaching kit for grades 7-12 is free to schools.
“Native Americans and Alaska Natives: The Forgotten Minority”
Poverty & Race Action Council November/December 2008
American Indian tribes and people face circumstances unique to any other racial or ethnic group in the United States. This issues contains articles by Sherry Salway Black, Justin Guilder, John Dossett, Wendy L. Helgemo, Michael Yellow Bird, Terry L. Cross, and others on American Indians and structural racism, the Cobell Trust Land lawsuit, tribal self-government, housing programs, health care, juvenile justice, and other topics.
“Katrina's Hidden Race War.”
- A. C. Thompson
Vigilante shootings and police inaction in post-Katrina New Orleans.
A.C. Thompson is an award-winning journalist on the staff of ProPublica.
“Body of Evidence.”
- A. C. Thompson
Vigilante shootings and police misconduct in post-Katrina New Orleans.
A.C. Thompson is an award-winning journalist on the staff of ProPublica.
“Greg Palast's reports on manipulation of the 2000 and 2004 elections (copy and paste these links into your browser's URL window)”
BBC Elections Report 2001 - Where it all started ( ), PBS Now - Caging Story, Part 1 ( ), PBS Now - Caging Story, Part 2 ( ) and more at
“Promoting Health Equity: A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health.”
- Brennan Ramirez LK, Baker EA, Metzler M.
Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2008.
This document is published in partnership with the Social Determinants of Health Work Group at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
“Photo history of the Civil Rights Movement in Chapel Hill”
- Carolina Alumni Review March/April 2006
“The Town Before Brown”
- Gerald Unks and Cary Gillenwater
32-minute video of the history of segregation in Chapel Hill, NC. DVD copies are available from the Chapel Hill Museum (
“Out in the Rural”
22-minute film about the Delta Health Center, Mound Bayou, Bolivar County, Mississippi, led by H. Jack Geiger and John W. Hatch
“How the VA Abandons Our Vets”
- Joshua Kors
August 27, 2008
"Dr. Frances Murphy had been one of the VA's shining stars. In 2004 she helped draft the Mental Health Strategic Plan, a blueprint for overhauling the VA. The plan called for 265 changes to the organization . . . The plan was hailed by military leaders and veterans' groups. VA officials extolled it to reporters and members of Congress, citing it as proof of the organization's rapid transformation. . . . on March 29, 2006, almost two years after the plan's release, a group of prominent mental health organizations asked the doctor to address them in Washington. Following her speech, she would be given the Leadership in Government Award before an audience of high-profile figures: Senator Ted Kennedy, Surgeon General Richard Carmona, 60 Minutes's Mike Wallace and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. . . . 'Government likes to begin things, to declare grand new programs and causes,' she told the audience. 'But good beginnings are not the measure of success, in government or any other pursuit. What matters in the end is completion. Performance. Results. Not just making promises.' Days later Dr. Murphy was fired."
“A Road Map for Juvenile Justice Reform”
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
2008 Kids Count Data Book essay, "A Road Map for Juvenile Justice Reform", plus a 3-page chart of state by state data on child well-being
“Race, Racism and Health: Patterns, Paradoxes, and Needed Research (1 MB ppt)”
- David R. Williams, Ph.D.
Dr. Williams presented the John C. Cassel Memorial Lecture at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, June 24-27, 2008, on the theme "Social Determinants of Health" ( (For a webcast of a related presentation by Dr. Williams, see below, "Racism and Health: Needed Contributions by Social and Biological Scientists".)
“Journal of Diversity in Higher Education”
- Editor: Michael R. Stevenson
Launched in 2008, this quarterly journal offers research findings, theory, and promising practices to help guide the efforts of institutions of higher education in the pursuit of inclusive excellence.
“Civil Rights Initiatives: Compromising Health and Diversity. June 2008”
- Health Professionals for Diversity Coalition
During the 2008 November election, citizens of Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska will decide on the future of race and gender-conscious programming for all public, state-funded programs. The "Civil Rights Initiatives" are ballot initiatives seek to change state constitutions to prohibit programs aimed at increasing and enhancing diversity in government and public education.
“Diversity Data”
The DiversityData project identifies metropolitan area indicators of diversity, opportunity, quality of life and health for various racial and ethnic population groups. Data and maps can be retrieved by indicator and racial/ethnic group.
“Black Doctors”
- Frank Stasio and Katy Barron
Broadcast July 23, 2008 and archived.
The American Medical Association has apologized for its history of racial discrimination over more than a century and its failure to champion efforts to end segregated health care during the Civil Rights Movement. The effects of discrimination in organized medicine have been long-lasting. Guests: East Carolina University Medical Historian Todd Savitt; Spencie Love, author of a new book about Dr. Charles Drew; Doctor Gloria Frelix, president of the Old North State Medical Society; Doctor Paul Cunningham, incoming Dean of ECU's Brody School of Medicine.
“American Indian Boarding Schools Haunt Many”
- Charla Bear
May 2008
Two-part report on NPR's Morning Edition about the U.S. federal government policy of removing American Indian children from their families and forcing them to attend boarding schools where they were forced to abandon their language and culture. Additional reading:,
“Identifying with Obama's Pastor”
- Robert Seymour
Durham Herald-Sun April 4, 2008
Robert Seymour is the Minister Emeritus of the Binkley Memorial Baptist Church in Chapel Hill.
“When MLK died, one man reached across the divide”
- Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Miami Herald April 3, 2008
“Can you see the Promised Land of equality?”
- Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Miami Herald April 2, 2008
“King County Equity & Social Justice Initiative ”
This report was developed by King County and its many employees who
passionately serve and work with residents every day., 206-296-4600
“Brazil in Black and White”
PBS Wide Angle
Brazil in Black and White follows the lives of five young college hopefuls as they compete to win a coveted spot at the elite University of Brasilia, where 20 percent of the incoming freshmen must qualify as Afro-Brazilian. WIDE ANGLE also reports on the controversial racial debate roiling Brazil through profiles of civil right activists, opponents of affirmative action, and one of the country's few black senators.
“Unnatural causes: is inequality making us sick?”
Produced by California Newsreel,
Unnatural Causes will sound the alarm about America's glaring socio-economic and racial inequities in health--and search for their root causes. The four-hour series (for PBS broadcast and DVD release) sifts through the evidence suggesting there is more to our health than bad habits, health care, or unlucky genes.
“Ethnicity, Race, and Health in Multicultural Societies:
Foundations for better epidemiology, public health, and health care”
- By Raj S. Bhopal.
Oxford University Press January 2007.
Contents: 1. Introduction: the concepts of ethnicity and race in health;
2. Terminology and classifications for ethnic and racial groups;
3. Challenges of collecting and interpreting data using the concepts of ethnicity and race;
4. Historical analysis of the development of health and health care services for ethnic minorities;
5. Defining health and health care needs using quantitative and qualitative data;
6. Ethnic inequalities in health and health care;
7. Principles for setting priorities for ethnic minority populations;
8. Strategic approaches to health and health care services for ethnic minority groups;
9. Research on and with ethnic minority groups: past and future;
10. Theoretical, ethical and future-orientated perspectives.
“RACE Are we so different?”
May 2006
The RACE project has organized and sponsored scholarly events and activities, including conferences and sessions at annual meetings. The world premiere of the exhibit opened January 10, 2007 at the Science Museum of Minnesota.
“Kaiser Health Disparities Report”
synthesizes news coverage from hundreds of print and broadcast news sources related to health and health care issues that affect racial and ethnic communities. The report also highlights new studies and journal articles, initiatives, developments in the field, and upcoming events.
“Race, Race-Based Discrimination, and Health Outcomes Among African Americans”
- Vickie M. Mays, Susan D. Cochran, and Namdi W. Barnes.
January 2007.
Annual Review of Psychology. 2007;58:201-225
“Investing in a Diverse Democracy: Foundation Giving to Minority-Led Nonprofits”
- The Greenlining Institute.
Fall 2006.
This new study by the Greenlining Institute finds that only 3.6% of grant dollars from the nation’s top 24 private foundations went to minority-led organizations.
“Dying While Black”
- Vernellia R. Randall
Seven Principles Press, October, 2006.
This black health deficit is directly traceable to
the slave health deficit. Repairing the health of African Americans will require a multifaceted long
term legal and financial commitment. Reparation is not merely a monetary
cash payment but also an equitable remedy that requires that the
harm be repaired. The United States government
because of its legal sanction of slavery, an international crime against
humanity, is obligated to do whatever it takes to repair black health. proposes a specific program of equitable, rather than
compensatory, reparations including a comprehensive health care civil
rights law.
“Second National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health, 2006”
The U.S. Office of Minority Health convened the Second National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health January 9-11, 2006, in Washington, D.C., to bring together leaders from all levels of government, academia, public health, mental health, minority-serving institutions, and minority communities to advance key issues and opportunities for improving minority health and closing the health gap. Videorecordings and transcripts from selected sessions are available on the website.
“The Trail of Tears Cherokee Legacy; Black Indians: An American Story; and other Native American films”
Rich-Heape Films, Inc.
Rich-Heape Films works to inform, educate, and encourage the awareness of Native American tribal histories, cultures, languages and the aspirations of native people and Mother Earth, through the creation, production and distribution of audio/visual presentations of our DVD videos and CDs. Rich-Heape Films, Inc. has been recognized as 1999 and 2003 American Indian Business of the Year by the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas.
“Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard African-American Men Survey”
Kaiser Family Foundation 2006
The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University have released a new survey of the views and experiences of African-American men on marriage and family, education, careers and health, among other issues, and includes comparisons to the views and experiences of African-American women and white men and women.
The 15th in a series, the African-American Men Survey was conducted by telephone from March 20 to April 29, 2006, among 2,864 randomly selected adults nationwide, including: 1,328 black men; 507 black women; 437 white men and 495 white women. The complete survey results and detailed methodology description are available. The Washington Post series on "Being a Black Man" is at .
“Racism and Health: Needed Contributions by Social and Biological Scientists”
- David R. Williams
New York Academy of Sciences December 9, 2005
“Beneath the Pines: Stories of Migrant Tree Planters”
- Immigrant Justice Project
Southern Poverty Law Center 2005
“1898 Wilmington Race Riot - Final Report, May 31, 2006”
- Wilmington Race Riot Commission
North Carolina Office of Archives & History.
“Health Science Enrichment Programs for Minority and Disadvantaged Students”
North Carolina Health Careers Access Program
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2006-2007
“Clearinghouse of materials on major areas of health policy, including minority health”
Kaiser Family Foundation
Reports, statistics, resources, fact sheets, basic overviews on health care policy, including
HIV/AIDS, Medicaid, Medicare, health law, minority health, quality of care, prescription drugs, and women's health
“Narratives of North Carolina Epidemiology: HIV Goes Back to College”
- Anton Zuicker
1) review of AIDS
journalism and narrative writing and provides background to a recent NC outbreak,
and 2) narrative-style non-fiction magazine article that explores the work of
researchers, epidemiologists and public health officials in response to the NC college HIV
“Minority Health Special Collection on the AHEC Digital Library”
Includes resources on Cultural and Language Competency
(Tools for Culturally Competent Care, Training, Organizations and Associations,
Interpretation/Translation Services), Issues in Minority Health (Access to Health Care,
Environmental Justice, Health Disparities, Collaborating with Communities, Minority Health Offices/Programs),
Health in Minority Communities (African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives,
Rural and Migrant Health, Hispanic/Latino Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders,
Immigrant and Refugee Health), Research and Professional Development
(Research Centers, Books/Journals and Other Resources, Professional and Student Associations,
Fellowships/Research Support, Student Scholarships and Programs)
“Methods in Social Epidemiology”
- J. Michael Oakes and Jay S. Kaufman (eds),
Jossey-Bass, May 2006.
"Methods in Social Epidemiology not only illuminates the
difficult questions that future generations of social epidemiologists
must ask, it also identifies the paths they must boldly travel in the
pursuit of answers, if this exciting interdisciplinary science is to
realize its full potential. This beautifully edited volume appears at
just the right moment to exert a profound influence on the field." -
Sherman A. James, Susan B. King Professor of Public Policy Studies,
professor of Community and Family Medicine,
professor of African-American Studies, Duke University. Includes:
"Measuring and Analyzing 'Race,' Racism, and Racial Discrimination" (chapter 4)
by Saffron Karlsen and James Yzet Nazroo.
“Testimony before the United States Commission on Civil Rights”
- Michael E. Bird
Statement of Michael E. Bird, MSW, MPH, Albuquerque, NM, October 17, 2003
“Upward Mortality”,
by Kai Wright (Mother Jones, May/June 2006)
Minority Scientists Network
- A collaborative effort involving the ScienceCareers Web site and the AAAS Directorate for Education and Human Resources
NIH Told to Get Serious About Giving Minorities a Hand
- A National Academies’ report (Assessment of NIH Minority Research and Training Programs, Phase 3, NRC, 2005) says that these controversial programs can't be I assessed without better data-and better management.
Science 20 Jan 2006;311(5759):328
Reports available from the University of California, Office of the President
Preparing Minority Scientists and Engineers
Michael F. Summers and Freeman A. Hrabowski
- Report on the accomplishments of the Meyerhoff Program
at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Science 2006(31 March); 311(5769):1870-1871.
Online version includes links to cited references)
Black freedom and the University of North Carolina, 1793-1960
- Doctoral dissertation by John ("Yonni") Chapman,
Department of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(about Yonni Chapman)
youth and the origins of the civil rights movement in Chapel Hill, NC: Chapter 4: Black lives
in Chapel Hill and the origins of the activist core, 1937-1960
- From the
masters thesis by John "Yonni" Chapman,
Department of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(complete thesis)
(about Yonni Chapman)
11/15/2005, 11/14/2009)
Native American Elders Health Care Series
- From South Dakota State University.
(Posted 06/25/05)
and Health - by Caren E. Blinka and Angelina Esparza. From OncoLog,
January 2005, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Posted
report: Shattering
the Myth: An Initial Snapshot of Voter Disenfranchisement in the 2004
- December 2004 report by People
for the American Way, the NAACP,
and the Lawyers'
Committee for Civil Rights Under Law for Election
Protection, a coalition
of over 50 organizations. (View the hearing
on (Posted
The 2003 Healthy Homes Initiative (HHI): Report
on environmental health hazards in the nations low income housing
- National Organization
of African Americans in Housing, February 2003, Washington DC
Silent Epidemic: Why is there such a high percentage of HIV & AIDS
among Black Women? by Jon Cohen
- Advancing
Healthy Populations: The Pfizer Guide to Careers in Public Health
- This Guide was editted by Barbara A. DeBuono and Hugh Tilson. The
guide profiles the life and work of public health professional at
- (Posted
Racism in Public Health: A Blueprint for Action in Urban MCH
- Please visit the following url address to read this report. (Posted
by Louis Sullivan on Recruiting Minority Students into health professions
- The
executive summary of Sullivan's
Commission provides an over view of the report.
(Posted 10/22/04)
review of methods for monitoring and measuring social inequality, deprivation
and health inequality. Commisioned by SEPHO from the Center
for Health Economics at the University of York. (Posted,
Almost unnoticed, Latinos are shaping the future of North Carolina.
By Michelle Coppedge (Posted,
Health wins award for health disparities series
of Pittsburgh Center for Rural Health Practice, April 2004
Journal of Public Health on Racial/Ethnic Bias & Health, Feb 1 2003,
Vol 93, Issue 2
- The
February 2003 issue of American Journal of Public Health features
a selection of articles on racial/ethnic bias & health, including
"Confronting the Moral Economy of US Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities",
by Sherman A. James Ph.D. (Posted, 02/17/03)
and Health Care: Harvard Health Policy Review, Vol: 3, No: 2
- Featured
articles include: "Unequal Treatment": The Institute of Medicine's Findings
and Recommendations on Healthcare Disparities by Joseph Betancourt,
MD, MPH; Forging a New Definition of Health Equity by Roshni Mangalore;
Income Inequality and Cardiovascular Disease in North-America: Shifting
the Paradigm by Dennis Raphael, PhD, and Sara Farrell, RN; Eliminating
African-American Health Disparity via History-based Policy by Karen
Williams, MA, and Veronica W. Johnson, MA and Amending Health Disparities
in Taiwan's Indigenous Population by Hong-Jen Chang, MD, MPH, MS, and
Yiing-Jenq Chou, MD, PhD. (Posted, 02/17/03)
Policy Association reports
Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2001
- Federal
Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, US Government Printing
Office, July 2001 [posted 8/14/2001]
and Behavior: The Interplay of Biological, Behavioral and Societal Influences
- From
the Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice and Policy
of the Institute of Medicine.
Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2001
- Produced
through a collaborative effort of the Federal Interagency Forum on Child
and Family Statistics, this report is an annual summary of indicators
of children's economic security, health, behavior and social environment,
and education. Also available from the National Maternal and Child Health
Clearinghouse [].
Role of Race in the Clinical Presentation"
- This
article by Matthew R. Anderson, Susan Moscou, Celestine Fulchon, Daniel
R. Neuspiel in Family
Medicine Journal (2001:33(6):430-4) presents a set of guidelines
for the use of race in the clinical presentation. The June 2001 issue
also includes:
- Jeannette
E. South-Paul. Racism in the examination room: myths, realities,
and consequences. Fam Med 2001:33(6):473-75.
- S
Lewis-Stevenson; WJ Hueston; AG Mainous II; C Bazell; X Ye. Female
and underrepresented minority faculty in academic departments of
family medicine: are women and minorities better off in family medicine?
(Fam Med 2001:33(6):435-40.)
- Denise
V. Rodgers. President's Column: Celebrating Diversity/Eliminating
Links to
abstracts and full text are available from the table
of contents.
Fund publications related to minority health
- Sample
of (free) reports published by the Fund:
- U.S.
Minority Health: A Chartbook. Karen Scott Collins, Allyson Hall,
and Charlotte Neuhaus, May 1999.
- Barriers
to Health Coverage for Hispanic Workers: Focus Group Findings. Michael
Perry, Susan Kannel, and Enrique Castillo, December 2000.
- Working
Without Benefits: The Health Insurance Crisis Confronting Hispanic
Americans. Kevin Quinn, March 2000.
- The
Dependence of Safety Net Hospitals and Health Systems on the Medicare
and Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Programs. Lynne
Fagnani and Jennifer Tolbert, October 1999.
Community Partnerships in Research
- Developed
by a federal inter-agency taskforce, this April 1998 report was developed
in response to President Clinton's request to the Secretary of Health
and Human Services (HHS) to identify strategies to improve the participation
of communities, especially minority communities, in research and to
build trust between researchers and communities.
Control and Health
- This
Special Issue of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
(vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 75-165, edited by Jan Bostock and Michael McCubbin)
explores how power determines health, in order to inform the development
of social structures that address the conditions that perpetuate inequitable
experiences of poor health and well-being. Michael McCubbin's editorial
orients the reader to public health, to the inextricable links between
physical health and well-being, and the aetiological role of access
to power and resources.
Inequities in Health: from ethics to action
- Funded
by the Rockefeller Foundation
and the Swedish International Development Agency, this report from the
Global Health Equity Initiative (GHEI) together all of the GHEI studies
into a 21 chapter resource on health equity. This volume provides new
perspectives on the concept of health equity, empirical evidence on
the scale and nature of health inequities in 13 countries and assessments
of relevant policy developments and their implications.
Creeping Economic Apartheid"
- New report
by Grace-Edward Galabuzi for the The
Centre for Social Justice describes the growing economic racial
divide in today's Canada.
Treament for AIDS in Poor Countries
- This
Consensus Statement signed by over 100 Harvard University faculty members
calls for immediate provision of antiretroviral therapy to individuals
in resource-scarce nations and for the establishment of carefully controlled
clinical trials to help determine the best practices for HIV care in
these nations.
stalks a continent: AIDS in Africa"
- Time
Magazine's web page has statistics on HIV infection in Africa
(more then one-in-five people infected in Southern Africa) and links
to articles and resources (requires Flash)
Than Words: Lawyers, Communities and the Struggle for Justice
- The
Rockefeller Foundation's three-year assessment of the state of civil
rights litigation in the aftermath of federal civil rights laws and
protections (2001) (order
on line)
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- From
the National Center for Education Statistics,
"the Nation's Report Card" is the only nationally representative and
continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in
various subject areas.
more excuses: the final report of the Hispanic Dropout Project
- (or call
202-401-3026) February 1998
factors surrounding Hispanic Dropouts
- by Hugh
Mehan, Hispanic Dropout Project, January 8, 1997
American Health Dilemma: A medical history of African Americans and
the problem of race - beginnings to 1900, by W. Michael Bird and
Linda A. Clayton. New York, Routledge, 2000
- Review
by Kirk A. Johnson in the Journal of the American Medical Association
in the 21st Century: Underrepresented Minorities in Science
- Science
Magazine's annual feature "Next Wave" spotlights some of the challenges
faced by and resources available to minority scientists and would-be
scientists. "Unfortunately,
the strengths inherent in a diverse society are lost in favor of providing
comfort to those who currently hold the most prestigious and powerful
roles in greater numbers."
& Green 2000
- This
new report from the Institute for Southern Studies finds that states
with the highest environmental grades also boast the best economies
(on-line report includes state-by-state reports and links to over 40
data sources).
Health Disparities in the United States
- New report
from the Health Resources and Services
Administration describes the agency's initiative and future directions.
America: indicators of social and economic well-being by race and Hispanic
- Report
prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers for the President's Initiative
on Race
3000 (411 KB PDF file)
- A Bill
introduced to "establish a United States Health Service to provide high
quality comprehensive health care for all Americans and to overcome
the deficiencies in the present system of health care delivery."
Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000
CERD Report
- United
States initial report to the United Nations Committee on The Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Strategic Plans for Eliminating Health Disparities
facts on racial/ethnic disparities in medical care, synthesis of the
literature, and chart pack
- From
the Kaiser Family Foundation, which
has many valuable resources on its website
Sites Related to Urban Health and Health Disparities
- From
the American Journal of Public Health, June 2000
Health Insurance? It's Enough to Make You Sick. Latino Community at
Great Risk
- March
2000 White Paper from the American
College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine
the Vote: The Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Laws in the United
- From
The Sentencing Project and Human Rights