Dear Site Facilitators (all 129 of you!):
We are VERY HAPPY to tell you that we have many of the Videoconference materials on the web site at last. We will update these on the web site as the rest of the material becomes available. (If you can wait to reproduce them, you may have a better version to work from - like buying a computer - the longer you hold off, the better they get.)
TROUBLE SHOOTING ASSISTANCE FOR REGISTERED SITES is provided by Microspace (919-850-4565), the satellite time vendor. Please do not call us for difficulties receiving the signal, since there won't be anything we can do (we send the signal to Microspace - after that it's in their "hands").
Available on the web are:
One set of slides (Richard Warnecke's) has been placed on the web site (they are not attached, since the document is large). You can link to the slides from either the index.htm page (which is where you are directed when you click on Videoconference materials on the home page or other pages) or from the page of abstracts.
The slides are in Microsoft PowerPoint. If you do not have this program, you can download a free viewer from You can use this to print the slides out, though not to modify them. Powerpoint permits you to print them as handouts, with multiple slides per page, to save paper. When the program loads you see the slides. Pressing F1 pops up a Help screen; right-clicking pops up a menu, including the print command.
PLEASE NOTE THAT all slides on the web site belong to the instructors, who are making them available as a service to participants. They may be copied for use in the Videoconference, but any other use requires permission from the instructors.
Suggestions for how to use the materials:
Although time is short, some sites may wish to do one or more of the following:
We would be grateful if you would keep our web site address on whatever you distribute.
We wish that we could have got these to you sooner, but there have been some special circumstances that have complicated things this year (including the much larger number of participating sites, but we like that kind of complication).
One last thing - it turns out that we will be able to web cast many of the presentations. Based on Vic's experience with web casting, that will not present any competition for your audiences. But it may enable people out of range of the satellite (we've had numerous inquiries from Hawaii as well as from Puerto Rico, Spain, and WHO in Geneva) to view parts of the Videoconference.
Thank you all for joining us for this exciting and uplifting event. We look forward to "seeing" you on Monday!
Dot, Kenitra, Kyna, Millicent, Monica, Trude, Vic and colleagues.
Videoconference materials
Learning objectives
Suggested readings
Guide to the Videoconference website
Videoconference announcement
Overview of the Videoconference
Find a site near you
Information for satellite downlink sites
Register as a site
Information for site facilitators
Attend the Videoconference at the UNC School of Public Health in Chapel Hill
(Register now)
Videoconference staff
Return to the Minority Health home page
Updated 6/8/2000, 6/9/2000