Announcing the

2000 Summer Public Health Research Videoconference
on Minority Health

JUNE 12-16, 2000; 1:30-4:30pm EDT

The Mayes Telecommunications Center at the UNC School of Public Health

Presented by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Public Health (Dean's Office, Center for Health Statistics Research, and Department of Maternal and Child Health), in collaboration with the CDC National Center for Health Statistics and the Association of Schools of Public Health. This Videoconference covers issues and solutions related to: collecting, analyzing and interpreting data for racial/ethnic populations; disentangling and assessing the relationships among race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status; and involving the community in research. Videoconference participants can ask questions and join discussions via toll-free telephone, fax, and e-mail. This year's guest faculty are Linda Burhansstipanov (Keynote), Olivia Carter-Pokras, Robert Fullilove, Aida Giachello, Barbara Israel, Camara Jones, William Kalsbeek, John Ruffin, Richard Warnecke, and Elena Yu.

We are still registering new Videoconference sites. There is No Site Fee this year.

If you are in the Chapel Hill area, we invite you to join the studio audience or to participate from Rosenau Auditorium at the UNC School of Public Health. Registration is free.

Guide to the Videoconference web site

UNC SPH Minority Health Project -

3/29/2001, 6/9/2001vs, 12/20/01raj