2000 Summer Public Health Research Videoconference
on Minority Health

Update for site facilitators (5/26/2000)

The response to the Videoconference has been tremendous. We now have over 70 sites, with registrations continuing. We welcomed Millicent Ellison Brown, Kenitra Carby-Shields, and two graduate student assistants to join Patricia Burnette on our staff, so our Videoconference team is now in place.

This update covers:

  1. Publicity materials
  2. Instructors' materials
  3. Sign-in and evaluation forms
  4. Continuing education credits / Learning objectives
  5. Announcements and site photographs
  6. Friday schedule


      (Back to the beginning)

Publicity materials


We hope to receive our 11" * 17" glossy posters in time to send them to registered sites to arrive by Monday, June 5 (or sooner, we hope!). We are planning to send 8-12 posters to each site (depending on seating capacity at your site and how many more sites register). Please let us know if you would like more or fewer, so that we can try to accomodate your situation.


We have posted two flyers on our web site, as MS Word 97 documents. The first, which is only slightly modified from the one that many of you have already downloaded, has a photograph of a Videoconference audience (a higher-resolution copy of the photograph in the web site announcement). This document is about 0.6 MB and requires about 6-10 minutes with a fast modem.

The second document has the same photographs as the poster (for coordinated publicity), but unfortunately the images are grainy when printed on a laser printer (they look better with an ink-jet). The second document is about 3.2MB, so a high-speed Internet connection is very helpful for downloading (or anticipate 40-60 minutes with a fast modem). You are welcome to download, modify, and reproduce these documents to suit your needs in publicizing the Videoconference.

E-mail and web

We are sending out one more mass e-mail prior to the Videoconference to announce the number and locations for videoconference sites. If you would like to have additional specific information on our web site (or on a separate page we could create), please send us the material. This is a "good faith" offer only, since our resources in this area are somewhat limited.

      (Back to the beginning)

Instructors' materials

We have received some of the materials from our instructors and will soon begin placing them on our web site or sending them by e-mail. We plan to post an abstract of each presentation and a bibliography with several specific readings highlighted. Copies of instructors' slides will be distributed via e-mail unless they give us specific permission to place them on the website.

Please note

Instructors' materials are solely for use as part of the Videoconference. Any other use requires the express permission of the instructor.

      (Back to the beginning)

and evaluation forms


You will soon receive forms for participants to record their names on each day they attend the Videoconference. That will assist us in documenting the size and composition of the audience and provide a mechanism for follow-up. The forms have been designed to minimize duplication with your own registration procedures. We greatly appreciate your having participants sign in as they register or your circulating the forms during them during the session. Please return the completed forms at the end of each day (postage-free envelopes will be provided).

Evaluation forms

As we are constantly reminded, evaluation is an essential part of continuing education as well as obtaining continued funding. You will soon receive a set of evaluation forms for each day of the Videoconference. To minimize the burden for you, we will send the number we estimate you will need. Should we underestimate, please photocopy as needed. Please distribute and collect these at each session and return at the end of the day in the postage-free envelopes.

      (Back to the beginning)

Continuing education credits (CEU's) / Learning objectives

Continuing education credits

It has not been our practice to offer continuing education credits (CEU's) for participants in the Videoconference. In past years, however, individual sites have sometimes made arrangements to award these to participants at their site.

Learning objectives

Should you wish to arrange to award CEU's to your participants, you will need a set of formal learning objectives. We are in the process of composing the learning objectives and hope to post them on our web site by the end of May. We will send out an e-mail to alert you when they are ready.

      (Back to the beginning)

Announcements and site photographs

Announcements and events

During the 15-minute break each afternoon, we will broadcast "rolling credits" with information (e.g., agenda for the following days, names of sites and site facilitators, upcoming conferences). If you are sponsoring an event that you would like us to list, please send us the essential information by June 1. We will also list these events on our website, so that participants will not need to be writing down the information as it scrolls by.

Images of your site

As an experiment in helping participants to appreciate the extent of the Videoconference, we would like to include images from different sites during the "rolling credits". If you have a photograph or a digitized image (JPEG or GIF, maximum size of 200K), please send it by June 1 to Minority_Health@unc.edu, and we will try to include it.

      (Back to the beginning)

Friday schedule

To accomodate our speakers' schedule constraints, the Friday presentations will be taped during the morning and played back in the afternoon. Dr. Fullilove will be present to respond to questions and comments during the afternoon, so the experience for participants at your site will be essentially identical to a live presentation. However, Dr. Israel will be enroute to Detroit, so we will play back questions and comments from the morning session and take live comments from the Videoconference audience. This format seemed to work very well last year.

      (Back to the beginning)

Videoconference staff
Information for satellite downlink sites
Additional information for site facilitators
Site facilitators responsibilities and checklists
Overview of the Videoconference
Videoconference announcement

Return to the Minority Health Home Page. 

5/26/2000 Minority_Health@unc.edu