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UNC Program for Ethnicity, Culture,
and Health Outcomes (ECHO)
and Ethnicity in Health Sciences Research.
- December
12, 2003 at the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research,
725 Airport Road, Arnold Kaluzny Conference room from 3:30-5:00
p.m. By Susan Moscou, FNP, MPH, Brandeis University, Heller School,
Doctoral Student, Health Policy, Waltham, Massachusetts. Part
of the Seminar series on Methods in Health Disparities Research.
Presented by the Center of Excellence on Overcoming Racial Health
Disparities which is funded by the Agency for Healthcare and Research.
(Posted, 11/21/03)
"Write On! Strategies for Successful Publications" (FREE, one-day
- November
21, 2003, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Willie E. Grant Student Center
Ballroom, Shaw University, Raleigh, NC. Workshop topics include:
The Pangs & Pleasures of the Writing Process, Writing and Revising
the Manuscript - The Steps Involved, Grammar & Style, Navigating
the Channels to Publication and Coping with the Edited Manuscript.
The conference is intended for the faculty, graduate students,
and post-doctoral fellows at Historical Minority Serving Institutions,
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University
of North Carolina at Pembroke. (Posted,
environmental influences for obesity prevention from the perspective
of Latino families.
- November
14, 2003, 3:30-5:00 p.m. at the Arnold Kaluzny Conference Room,
Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, 725 Airport
Road, Chapel Hill, NC. By Guadalupe X. Ayala, PhD, MPH, Assistant
Professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, School
of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior & Health Education.
Brought to you by the Center of Excellence on Overcoming Racial
Health Disparities, funded by the Agency for Healthcare and Research.
the Health Care Divide: Eliminating Disparities in Access for
Minority and Low Income Communities
- November
1, 2003, William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education,
UNC-Chapel Hill. By U.S. Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. Sponsored by
UNC’s Center for Civil Rights, a component of the School of Law,
and the School of Public Health.The conference fee is $50 ($10
for students), and registration is due no later than Oct. 27.
For more information, contact Allison Stelljes at (919) 843-3921
or (Posted,
Methodology in Perinatal Epidemiology
- October
9, 2003, 3:30-5:00 p.m., 1301 McGavran-Greenberg Hall, School
of Public Health, UNC-CH. By James "Jimmy" W. Collins, MD, MPH,
Associate Professor of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Department of
Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Children's Memorial Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois. Part of
Seminar series on Methods in Health Disparities Research. Presented
by the Center of Excellence on Overcoming Racial Health Disparities
- funded by the Agency for Healthcare and Research. (Posted,
Conceptual challenges and practical applications
- August
22, 2003, 3:30-5:00 p.m. at Arnold D. Kaluzny Conference Room,
Cecil Sheps Center for Health Services Research, 2nd Floor, 725
Airport Road, Chapel Hill, NC. By Giselle Corbie-Smith, Assistant
Professor, Social Medicine, UNC-CH. Part of the Seminar Series
on Methods in Health Disparities. (Posted,
Satelite Broadcast: "Cross
Cultural Communication in Health Care: Building Organizational
- June
4, 2003 from 1:00pm – 3:30pm. Speakers include cultural competence
experts like Ms. Shani Dowd (Clinical Cultural Competency Training
at Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare) and Dr. Robert Like (Center for
Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity at Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School) and executives from best practice organizations.Sponsored
by: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources
and Services Administration, Center for Health Services Financing
and Managed Care and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Office of Minority Health. For more inforamtion contact Cindy
Yen at
26, 2003, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m, New York Society for Ethical Culture,
2 West 64th Street New York, New York, 10023. Keynote Speaker:Former
Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher. Presented by the Black Psychiatrists
of Greater New York (BPGNY). (Posted,
Unraveling the relation of race and class in American politics
25, 2003; Room G111, Caldwell Hall, NC State University (directions).
By Adolph Reed, Jr., Professor of Political Science, New School
University. Sponsored by the NC State Department of Sociology
and Anthropology. (Posted,
The Science Mission of the Alzheimer's Association: Implications
for Cultural and Ethnic Research
17, 2003, 12:15 p.m., 1301 McGavran-Greenberg, UNC-CH. By Jennie
Ward Robinson, Ph.D., Director of Medical and Scientific Affairs,
The Alzheimer's Association, Chicago, IL. Part of the Ethnicity,
Culture, Race and Aging Research Seminar Series. Co-Sponsored
by the UNC Program on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health Outcomes
(ECHO). RSVP at 919-966-9444 by April 10, 2003. (Posted,
University SPH&TM/ Diversity Day 2003: “Public Health Careers
Bridging the Gap for Change"
17, 2003. Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine (TUSPH&TM) will host Diversity Day 2003, an open house
workshop, for students interested in pursuing careers in the public
health sciences on Thursday, April 17, 2003. The one-day workshop
will consist of departmental visits and discussions with current
TUSPH&TM students and faculty which will include [multi]cultural
competencies in public health. Please contact Melanie Ramson at
(504) 452-9308 or email at
(Posted, 04/01/03)
Series on Methods in Health Disparities Resrearch: Income Inequality
& Dualism.
11th, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Arnold D. Kaluzny Conference Room, Cecil
G. Sheps Center, 725 Airport Road, Chapel Hill, NC. By Francois
Nielsen, Professor, Department of Sociology,UNC-CH. Sponsored
by the Center of Excellence on Overcoming Racial Health Disparities.
(Posted, 04/06/03)
11, 2003, 8:30-3:30pm at the Harvard School of Public Health -
HSPH, Kresge Building (G-1). The theme of this year's symposium
is: Future Directions for Racial/Ethnic US Health Disparities
Research.Featured speakers include: Thomas LaVeist (disparities
overview), Ichiro Kawachi (income inequality), Nancy Krieger (Racism),
John Ayanian (Health Systems), Dolores Acevedo-Garcia (immigrant
health), Robert Blendon (politics and policy), Joan Reede (Minority
Medical Training) Joseph Betancourt (Cultural Competence), S.V.
Subramanian (Methodology in Residential Segregation) Pedro and
Noguera (disparities in education). Registration
opens on Wednesday, March 12, 2003.For more information contact:
Joy Perez, PhD candidate, Kellogg Fellow in Health Policy Research
(Posted, 04/01/03)
April 1 - 4, 2003, at Morehouse College & Clark Atlanta University.
Featured speakers include David Satcher, MD, PhD, Director, National
Center for Primary Care, Camara P. Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, Research
Director on Social Determinants of Health, Centers for Disease
Control and prevention, George Roberts, PhD, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Michael Sadowski, Professor, Harvard Graduate
School of Education, Cathy Cohen, PhD, Director, Center for the
Study of Race University of Chicago, Daniel Blumenthal, MD, MPH,
Lawrence Sanders Jr., MD, MBA, Adewale Troutman, MD, MPH, Derreck
Kayongo & Loretta Ross.(Posted,
5th & 6th, 2003, Doubletree Hotel, Downtown, Houston. Featuring
keynote lecture by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. The conference
is open to public, costs $150 and includes workshops and exhibits
to increase breast health awareness in the African American Community.
Presented by Sisters Network Inc., the nation's largest African
American breast cancer survivorship organization. To register
call (713) 781 0255 or visit
(Posted, 03/16/03)
Action Townhall Meeting: African Americans Speak Out
28, 2003, at 6:00 pm, Howard Law School, DC. Confirmed participants:
CHARLES OGLETREE, Harvard Law School Professor KURT SCHMOKE, Howard
Law School Dean & Former Mayor of Baltimore ELAINE JONES, NAACP
Legal Defense Fund Executive Director DR. JULIANNE MALVEAUX, Economist,Author
& Syndicated Columnist GEORGE CURRY, NNPA Editor-in-Chief & former
Emerge Magazine Editor WADE HENDERSON, Leadership Conference on
Civil Rights Executive Director RONALD WALTERS, University of
Maryland Political Science Professor ROSA CLEMENTE, Hip Hop Activist
JAMES FORMAN, JR., Michigan Law School Professor DR. A. KNIGHTON
STANLEY, Peoples Cong. Church Pastor THEODORE V. WELLS, JR., Paul
Weiss partner and BLSA Amicus Counsel in Grutter. Free and Open
to Public, RSVP at
Latino Achievement in NC Public Schools
21 & 22, 2003. Venue TBA, will be either in Durham or Chapel Hill.
Presented by African and African American Studies Program, The
John Hope Franklin Center, Duke University. For further information
call at (919) 684- 2830. (Posted,
the Past, Reshaping the Future: The Public Health Effect of Minority
Status in the US
- March
21-22, 2003. University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor,
MI. The 17th Annual Minority Health Conference presented by Public
Health Students of African Descent (PHSAD). Keynote Speaker: Bill
Jenkins, PhD,MPH. Deadline for submission of abstracts for the poster
session: February 17, 2003. (Posted,
Latino Achievement in NC Public Schools
- March
21 & 22, 2003. Venue TBA, will be either in Durham or Chapel Hill.
Presented by African and African American Studies Program, The John
Hope Franklin Center, Duke University. For further information call
at (919) 684- 2830. (Posted,
7th Annual Conference on Race, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity:
"Adoption in the 21st Century: Redifining the Nuclear Family"
- March
1, 2003, 9:00am - 5:00pm, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
School of Law, 100 Ridge Road, Chapel Hill. The Conference will explore
legal issues surrounding nontraditional families and adoption. Topics
will include: transracial adoption, transnational and intercountry
adoption, adoption by gay and lesbian, disabled, and single parents,
the current status of adoption policy, and reproductive technology.For
more information please call 919-933-3377 or email
To register visit
Hispanic Educational Summit
- February
21, 2003. Presented by the North Carolina Society of Hispanic Professionals.
This annual summit provides an important opportunity for middle and
high school Latino students in North Carolina to learn more about
educational opportunities and career opportunities. The Society is
looking for volunteers to help with the Summit, anytime between 8am
and 3pm, to facilitate the workshops, help with registration, staff
a booth, or serve as an usher. Proof of service will be made available
if you need it for course credit. To volunteer or for more information
about the Summit email at
It Personally: HIV/AIDS in the African American Community And the
Minority Physician Response
- February
19, 2003, 2:00pm, McGavran - Greenberg Room 2301, UNC-SPH. By Darrell
L. Hunt, M.D., Surgical Oncology Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lineberger
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Surgery, UNC School of
Medicine. (Posted,
2nd Annual Latino/a Issues Workshop : "Seeds of Change: Latino/a
Citizenship(s) In the Here and Now"
- February
14-15, 2003, Duke University. Keynote speaker: Alex Rivera. The conference
includes four panel discussions, screenng of two short films and the
keynote lecture. For more information please contact Jennifer Snead
Williams at 919-681-3980. (Posted,
Origins of the Race Gap in Adult Mortality
- February
14, 2003, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m, Room 405, University Square East,
Chapel Hill, NC. By Mark Hayward, Professor of Sociology and Demography
& Director, Social Science Research Institute and the Population Research
Institute,The Pennsylvania State University.
Zollicoffer Lecture - "Donor allocation Issues in Transplantation
- February
14, 2003, Old Clinic Auditorium, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC. By Lynt
B. Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.S. (Posted,
and Race: Measure or Mismeasure of Man?
- Feb
13, 2003, 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM. Clinic Auditorium, Old Clinic Bldg,
UNC-CH. By James Evans, MD, Division of General Medicine, Department
of Medicine, UNC, Chapel Hill. (Posted,
Genetics, Race, and Health
- January
13th, 2003, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, Plaza Conference Room, Lineberger Cancer
Center, UNC-CH. By Richard Cooper, MD, Loyola University Medical Center.
Hosted by the NC Center for Genomics and Public Health in conjunction
with the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences seminar series. Seminar
will be followed by a panel discussion from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Moderator:
James Thomas, PhD, UNC-CH School of Public Health. Panelists: Richard
Cooper, MD, Loyola University Medical Center, William "Sandy" Darity,
PhD, UNC-CH, Duke University, Paul Godly, MD PhD, UNC-CH School of
Medicine and James Evans, MD, UNC-CH School of Medicine. For more
information contact: Tejinder Rakhra-Burris at
Annual National Minority Health Leadership Summit : Eliminating
Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: The Role of Community
Based Participatory Research
- January
9 & 10, 2003, University Club, University of Pittsburgh. Sponsored
by Center for Minority Health, Graduate School of Public Health &
School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights Region III, Philadelphia,
PA and CHERP- A VA HSR&D Center of Excellence Pittsburgh, PA.
(Posted, 12/22/02)
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(past) events - 2002
Recent (past) events - 2001 & 2000