The Access Project
"The Access Project is a national initiative of The Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation funded by a grant to the Heller
Graduate School at Brandeis
University. The project offers assistance to communities responding
to the challenge of providing health care access to increasing numbers
of people without insurance."
Group on Diversity and Inclusion (GDI)
Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)
"The Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to join together universities and colleges in the common mission of increasing the number of underrepresented minority students earning PhDs and positioning minority students to become leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Each AGEP alliance employs creative administrative strategies, develops infrastructure, and engages in substantive partnerships with nondoctoral-granting institutions (many minority-serving institutions) to enhance recruitment, retention, and advancement. "
American College of Epidemiology - Committee on Minority Affairs
American Indian Policy Center
(formerly known as American Indian Research and Policy Center)
works to foster better-informed and culturally-sensitive responses
to the challenges of American Indian life by providing government
leaders, policy makers and the public with accurate information
about the (1) legal and political history of American Indian
nations and (2) contemporary situation for American Indians.
American Indian, Alaska
Native, and Native Hawaiian Caucus
American Social Health Association
is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention and control
of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Asian & Pacific Islander
American Health Forum
Association of American Indian
Association of Asian Pacific
Community Health Organizations
Association of Minority Health Professions Schools
provides support for professional education, research and community
service by engaging the collaborative resources, scholarship and technology
of its 12 member medical, dental, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine
schools in historically African-American colleges and universities.
Association of MultiEthnic
Americans (AMEA)
ASPH Health Disparities
Research & Diversity Resource Center
Atlantic Coast Social, Behavioral, & Economic Sciences Alliance
works to increase the number of Underrepresented Minority (URM) students receiving Ph.D.’s in SBE disciplines and to increase the number of URMs entering the SBE professoriate
Back to the Basics Please
reaches out to the sexual minority community who aspire for greater change, freedom from addiction, and the establishment of healthy communities.
academic and professional organizations
Black Women's Health Imperative
is the only organization devoted solely to advancing the health and wellness of America's 19.5 million Black women and girls through advocacy, community health and wellness education and leadership development. Founded as the National Black Women's Health Project in 1983 by health activist and McArthur genius Byllye Y. Avery, the Imperative promotes optimal health for African American women across their lifespan - physically, mentally and spiritually. The Imperative provides health resources and information, community health and wellness education, promoting advocacy and health policies, and interpreting and issuing reports on relevant research about the health status of America's Black women.
Black Young Professionals
Public Health Network (The Network) was conceptualized at the 128th
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) held
in Boston, MA, November of 2000. It was established in recognition
of an increased need for more deliberate and concerted opportunities
for professional development of African Americans in the APHA and
in the public health field. It currently functions as an active Yahoo Groups email list.
of Excellence for Cultural Diversity in Minority Medical Education
at Michigan State University coordinates several programs
and activities geared to increase the number and quality of underrepresented
students, graduates and faculty at the College of Human Medicine.
Clinical Directors Network,
Inc. is a not-for-profit network of primary care clinicians
in Community/Migrant Health Centers, founded in 1985. Its mission
is to provide and improve comprehensive and accessible community-oriented
primary and preventive health care services for poor, minority, and
underserved populations.
Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a nonprofit organization
founded in 1996 to foster health-promoting partnerships between communities
and educational institutions.
Conference on Asian Pacific
American Leadership (CAPAL) CAPAL is a nonpartisan network
of professionals in the Washington, DC area with a goal to increase
APA participation and leadership in public policy and government.
CAPAL will be awarding four scholarships for public or non-profit
sector internships in Washington DC for the summer of 2000 (application
deadline March 20).
Cross Cultural Health Care
Program addresses broad cultural issues that affect the
health of individuals and families in ethnic minority communities
in Seattle and nationwide serves as a bridge between communities and
health care institutions to ensure full access to quality health care
that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.
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Data Center
aims to provide social justice advocates, especially the poor and
people of color, access to strategic information, analysis, and research
skills that will help them conduct more effective campaigns
Democracy Forum
is a lively environment for friendly debate about politics and democracy,
domestic and worldwide political climate, socio-political culture (e.g., history, nature and science, law, crime and punishment, civil rights, religion and morality), as well as political humor.
"Create customized reports describing over 100 measures of diversity, opportunity, and quality of life for 362 metropolitan areas."
Diversity resources for institutions of higher education, developed
by the American Association of
Colleges and Universities and the University
of Maryland, in collaboration with Diversity Connections and DiverseCD.
El Pueblo Non-Profit
Organization serving the Latino community in North Carolina.
Environmental Research Foundation
(Fundación para Investigaciones
Ambientales) "News and resources for environmental
justice. Providing understandable scientific information about human
health and the environment." ("Notícias y recursos
para la justicia ambiental. Brindando información científica
comprensible sobre la salud y el medio ambiente.") - Bilingual,
including its weekly bulletin and on-line library (incluso su semanario,
biblioteca, sitios web relacionados, ecc.).
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to improving technology-based
learning in America's schools, particularly in traditionally under-served
Fund for Southern Communities
(FSC) is a public foundation that supports and unites
organizations and donors working to create just and sustainable communities
that are free of oppression and that embrace and celebrate all people.
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Health Power for Minorities
Hispanic Health Council,
A History
of My People (African American history, by the late Professor Audreye E. Johnson)
Institute for African
American Health, Inc. (IAAH)
Institute for
Diversity in Health Management
provides information, education, programs and services to expand leadership
opportunities to ethnic minorities in health services administration.
Institute for Southern
Studies was founded in 1970 by veterans of the Civil Rights
Movement. The Institute, its online magazine Facing South, and its award-winning journal Southern
Exposure have established a national reputation as an essential
resource for grassroots activists, community leaders, scholars, policy
makers and others working to bring lasting social and economic change
to the U.S. South. Issues addressed over the years include the military
in the South, the Klan, economic development, the nuclear industry,
regional theater, the Civil Rights Movement, Native Americans, prisons,
folk life, schools, the poultry industry, the saving and loan industry's
crisis, the devastating environmental impact of the growing hog industry,
farmworkers, the environment, government and economy, privatization
of adult prisons and juvenile detention facilities.
Intercultural Cancer
Council (ICC)
International Civil Rights Center & Museum (ICRCM) in Greensboro, NC seeks to ensure that the world never forgets the courage displayed by four young North Carolina A&T State College students and the thousands of college and community youth in Greensboro, the South and around the country who joined them, leading to the desegregation of the Woolworth lunch counter and ultimately to the smashing of the despicable segregation system in the southern United States.
International Foundation for Education
and Self-Help (IFESH) was
established under the vision and leadership of Reverend
Dr. Leon H. Sullivan to reduce hunger and poverty, empower people
through literacy, train and place the unskilled and unemployed in
jobs, provide preventive and basic health care to individuals in need,
deal with population and environment problems, develop employment
through economic development activities, and to foster cultural, social,
and economic relations between Africans and Americans, particularly
African Americans, and others.
International Society for Equity
in Health (ISEqH) encourages advances in knowledge about
the importance of equity in the improvement of the health of all people
and promotes the application of knowledge to activities directed at
this goal, with a primary emphasis on the contributions made by health
Joint Center for Political
and Economic Studies conducts research on public policy
issues of special concern to black Americans and other minorities.
The Joint Center provides independent analyses through research, publications,
and outreach programs.
JustGarciaHill.org - A Virtual
Community for Minorities in Science.
JustGarciaHill is committed to increasing the number of minorities entering science
careers and to celebrating contributions to science by minority scientists.
With the JGH portal, Sigma Xi
hopes to provide a supportive environment that will stimulate underrepresented
minorities to pursue and strengthen scientific output in the United States and
improve the health and well being of minority populations.
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Kaiser Family Foundation
has news, key facts, reports, publications, webcasts, fellowship programs,
and other resources related to health disparities, health care for
the underserved, reproductive health care, and other topics of interest,
including searchable archives of webcasts and reports.
- KaiserNetwork.org
- webcasts
- Kaiser Health Disparities Report: A Weekly Look at Race, Ethnicity and Health
Caucus APHA advocates for the health interest
of the Latino community, both within and outside the American Public
Health Association structure, facilitates active
participation of Latino public health workers in the organizational
and programmatic activities of the APHA, and provides a means for
professional growth for Latino Caucus members and others in public
Leadership Alliance
is an academic consortium of 33 institutions of higher learning, including leading research and teaching college and universities, with the mission to develop underrepresented students into outstanding leaders and role models in academia, business and the public sector.
Living Knowledge
- on-line database of "science shops", community-based organizations,
universities, and funders for community-based research.
Loka Institute
is a non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with
the social, political, and environmental repercussions of science
and technology and expanding opportunities for grassroots, public-interest
group, everyday citizen, and worker involvement in vital facets of
science and technology decision making. Sponsors conferences and publications
on community-based research.
Maternal and Child Health Library
provides accurate and timely information including the weekly newsletter MCH Alert, resource guides, full text publications, databases, and links to quality MCH sites. (racial/ethnic health disparities “knowledge path”, all “knowledge paths)
Mexican American Legal Defense
Fund is a national nonprofit organization whose mission
is to protect and promote the civil rights of the more than 35 million
Latinos living in the United States.
Latino Health Research, Training, and Policy Center
Minority Health Network
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Association of African American Studies and Affiliates (NAAAS)
National Association of
Black Social Workers (NABSW)
National Association for Equal
Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO)
National Association
of Hispanic and Latino Studies (NAHLS)
National Association
of Minority Medical Educators (NAMME)
National Association
of Native American Studies (NANAS)
National Black Graduate Student
Association, Inc. (NBGSA)
National Center for Institutional Diversity catalyzes innovative approaches to diversity challenges and opportunities within the university and other major social institutions.
National Coalition for LGBT Health
National Coalition of Hispanic
Health and Human Services Organizations (COSSMHO)
National Congress of
American Indians (NCAI)
works to inform the public and
Congress on the governmental rights of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Founded in 1944 and now including 250 member tribes from throughout the United States, NCAI serves as the major
national tribal government organization,
monitors federal policy, and coordinates efforts
to inform federal decisions that affect tribal government interests.
National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force Policy Institute
National Hispana Leadership Institute
National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization established
in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities,
for Hispanic Americans.
National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force (NGLTF) works for the civil rights of gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgendered people. Its Policy
Institute conducts and disseminates research and policy analysis
to advance the goals of equality and social justice for gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgendered people.
National Historical
Black Colleges and Universities Health Services Research
works to increase the capacity of HBCUs to develop and conduct
health services research that addresses the health services needs
of African Americans and other underserved populations.
National Native American AIDS
Prevention Center (NNAAPC)
National Organization
of African Americans in Housing (NOAAH)
provides technical, operational and moral support and offers opportunities
for professional skills enhancement, resident training, and economic
National Video Resources
assists in increasing access to independently-produced media, including
film, video, and digital media. (Now the Tribeca Film Institute, a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit arts organization that empowers filmmakers through grants and professional development.)
The Tribeca Film Institute is a 501(c)(3) year-round nonprofit arts organization founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, and Craig Hatkoff in the wake of September 11, 2001. TFI empowers filmmakers through grants and professional development, and is a resource for and supporter of individual artists in the field. The Institute’s educational programming leverages an extensive network of people in the film industry to help New York City students learn filmmaking and gain the media skills necessary to be productive citizens and creative individuals in the 21st century.
Native American Cancer Research
is a community based, American Indian resource, working to reduce cancer incidence and mortality in
Native Americans. NACR provides resources for patients, caregivers, and educators.
American Sites maintained by Lisa Mitten, Social Science
Editor for Choice
Native Circle
offers American Crafts, American Indian Crafts, Teaching, Politics
& Wisdom, a newsletter, and more
Native Circle at Mayo
Native Research Network
(NRN) is a 501(c)3 professional organization providing a pro-active network of American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Canadian Aboriginal persons to promote and advocate for high quality research that is collaborative, supportive and builds capacity and to promote an environment for research that operates on the principles of integrity, respect, trust, ethics, cooperation and open communication in multi-disciplinary fields.
Opportunities Industrialization
Centers, founded by Rev.
Leon Sullivan in 1964, is the largest network of training centers
in the world.
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Planners' Network
is an association of professionals, activists, academics, and students
involved in physical, social, economic and environmental planning
in urban and rural areas, who promote fundamental change in our political
and economic system.
Poverty & Race Research Action Council is a civil rights policy organization convened by major civil rights and anti-poverty groups in 1988-89. PRRAC's primary mission is to help connect social scientists with advocates working on race and poverty issues, and to promote a research-based advocacy strategy on issues of structural racial inequality.
Prevención, Inc.
se esfuerza en producir programas y materiales educativos en salud
que sean cultural y étnicamente relevantes para los Hispanos
y que sean basados en hechos científicamente demostrados. Su
meta principal es la de mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los hispano
parlantes, especialmente los de poca educación, bajos ingresos
y acceso limitado a la información médica de calidad.
Prevención, Inc. uses a national network of Spanish-language
radio and television outlets, print media and the world wide web to
foster health promotion and disease prevention among the United States
Latino population.
Promising Practices
Network (PPN) highlights programs and practices that credible
research indicates are effective in improving outcomes for children,
youth, and families. The information pertains to children from the
prenatal period to age 18, as well as the families and communities
in which they live. This site provides useful information to policymakers,
practitioners, and program funders who must choose among many possibilities
for improving results for children, youth, and families.
Public Health Institute (PHI)
promotes independent, innovative research, training and demonstration
programs - many in collaboration with the private health care system
and community-based organizations. PHI also supports government's
role in assessment, policy development and assurance.
health programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Quality Education for Minorities
(QEM) Network is a non-profit organization based in Washington,
D.C. dedicated to improving the education of African Americans, Alaska
Natives, American Indians, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans.
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Race, Racism, and the
Law examines the role of the law in promoting and/or alleviating
racism. The site includes statutes, cases, excerpts of law review
articles, annotated bibliographies and other documents related to
race and racism.
Racial Legacies and Learning
A joint project of PBS Adult Learning Service and the American
Association of Colleges and Universities
PBS Adult Learning Service
map and resource links
En Accion Cancer Network for Hispanics/Latinos
in the U.S.
Society for the Analysis of
African American Health Issues (SAAPHI)
Rev. Leon Sullivan
(1922-2001), was an African American Preacher, social activist, and
educator responsible for leading international efforts to promote
nonviolent social and economic change. Among his many accomplishments,
he was a major force in increasing job opportunities for African Americans
and in ending apartheid in South Africa.
Society for the Advancement of
Chicanos and Native American in Science (SACNAS) encourages
Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education
and to obtain the advanced degrees necessary for research careers
and science teaching professions at all levels.
South Africa Partners, Inc.
non-profit organization dedicated to the development of long-term
partnership opportunities between the United States and South Africa.
Southeast Community Research Center-Atlanta
conducts participatory and community-based research in the City of Atlanta
and throughout the Southeastern United States.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is internationally known for its tolerance education programs, legal victories against white supremacists and tracking of hate groups. The work of the SPLC is described in two recent television specials Discovery Channel,
Teaching Tolerance Project
Spirit of 1848 e-mail list has frequent announcements and
information about social justice and public health topics. To subscribe,
send a message to spiritof1848-subscribe@egroups.com
with the word "subscribe" (without quotes) in the subject line.
Student National Medical Association
is the oldest and largest medical student organization dedicated
to people of color and underserved communities.
Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates
a private consultation service which focuses on clinical, administrative,
research and educational issues related to transcultural health care
& mental health .
University of Michigan
Public Health Students of African Descent (PHSAD)
University of North Carolina organizations
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