2001 Summer Public Health Research Videoconference Update for Site Facilitators The response to the Videoconference has been tremendous. We now have over 130 sites, with registrations continuing. This update covers: All materials referred to may be found at the Videoconference materials page. Publicity materialsPostersIf you registered more than 10 days ago you should have received several 11" * 17" glossy posters for publicity purposes. We will continue to send these to new sites as long as our supplies hold out and there is time for them to be received. FlyersA Word 97 document containing a two-sided flyer with photographs on one side (the same as on the poster) and the list of speakers on the reverse is available for you to use or adapt. Instructors' materialsWe are placing presentation materials, including PowerPoint slides, provided to us by the instructors. We have asked each of them for an abstract of her/his presentation and a bibliography with several specific readings highlighted. Please noteInstructors' materials are solely for use as part of the Videoconference. Any other use requires the express permission of the instructor. (Back to the beginning)Attendance and evaluation formsAttendance formsWe have mailed forms for participants to record their names and e-mail addresses on each day they attend the Videoconference. This documentation of attendance is essential for us to continue to receive funding and also provides a mechanism for us to publicize future events. The forms have been designed to minimize duplication with your own registration procedures. We greatly appreciate your having participants write their names and e-mail addresses as they register or your circulating the forms during the session. Please return the completed forms at the end of the Videoconference. If you have not received forms, please download the form from the web site and make copies as needed. Please write the date on each day's attendance form and make certain that it contains the name and zipcode for your site. Please circulate the forms during each session and return them to us at the end of the conference in the postage-free envelope. Evaluation formsAs we are constantly reminded, evaluation is an essential part of continuing education as well as of obtaining continued funding. We evaluation forms forms for each day of the Videoconference. If you did not receive forms, please download the forms for each day and make copies for your participants. (Please record the name and zip code of your site on each day's form before copying.) Please distribute and collect the forms at each session and return them to us at the end of the conference in the postage-free envelope. (Back to the beginning)Learning objectives and Continuing education credits (CEU's)The Learning objectives for the Videoconference and information on obtaining Continuing education credits have been placed on the web site. Announcements and site photographsAnnouncements and eventsDuring the 15-minute break each afternoon, we broadcast "rolling credits" with information (e.g., agenda for the following days, names of sites and site facilitators, upcoming conferences). If you would like us to include an event you are sponsoring, please send us the essential information as soon as possible. We will also list these events on our website, so that participants will not need to be writing down the information as it scrolls by. Images of your siteWe will also include images from different sites during the "rolling credits". If you have a photograph or a digitized image (JPEG or GIF, maximum size of 200K), we invite you to send it to us (if you provided one last year, there is no need to provide it again unless you prefer that we use a different one. Please note that our ability to include the information and graphics you send us will depend upon availability of staff resources and time. Phone Numbers Toll Free Call-in: 877-869-7811Fax: 919-843-4997Technical support tuning your satellite receiver is provided by Microspace Communications Corporation,919-850-4565. Callers must refer to "UNC-SPH" program. If you encounter any transmission interruptions or difficulties, please call Microspace.
Links for participants: Other
links: Previous Videoconferences in this series Updated
6/5/2001vs, 6/7/2001km minority_health@unc.edu