Past announcements -
2001 UNCF-Merck
Fellowships for African-American Graduate & Postdoctoral Students- The
United Negro College Fund and The Merck Company Foundation fellowships are a component
of the UNCF-Merck Science Initiative, which has the goal of increasing the pool
of well-qualified African-American research scientists in the biomedical sciences
and related scientific disciplines. At least 12 Dissertation Fellowship awards
and 10 postdoctoral fellowshipswill be made in 2002. The application deadline
is 12 noon, Friday, December 15, 2001. for additional information please contact
Jerry Bryant 703/205-3503; FAX: 703/205-3574; email:
Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities -
Sponsored by The National Academies National Research Council (NRC) - USA Policy
and Global Affairs Fellowship Programs Unit. Approximately 60 predoctoral
fellowships will be awarded. The submission deadline is November 19, 2001.
Fellowship Program Offers Sabbaticals to Activists of Color - The
Bannerman Fellowship Program is designed to honor outstanding activists of color
by giving them an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Each year, ten Bannerman
Fellows receive an award of $15,000 to take sabbaticals of three months or more.
Application deadline: December 1, 2001.
Activist Apprenticeship Program (MAAP)-
8/24-26/2001, Boston MA, Durham NC, Chicago IL, or Los Angeles CA and 9/26
- 11/10/2001. Application deadline 8/15/2001. The Center
for Third World Organizing (CTWO) has presented this organizer training program
for people of color since 1985. The program consists of 7 week internships to
learn the art of organizing through field-based training with a labor or community
organization, including skills training in Recruitment and Membership-building,
Direct Actions, Tactical Research, Power Analysis, Organizing Campaigns and Strategies
and Grassroots Fundraising. MAAP interns receive a $200 per week stipend for the
six weeks in the field plus housing, health care and local transportation expenses.
training program in Environmental Advocacy and Organizing -
The Environmental Studies Department of Antioch New England Graduate School is
creating a masters program in Environmental Advocacy and Organizing that offers
political education and social action training for people interested in advocacy.
General Releases Call to Action To Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual
Behavior -
American Legal Defense and Education Fund Internships in Asian American voting
rights (Fall 2001) -
Program to Fund Minority Scholars in Health Disparities
Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000
Herbert W. Nickens Award - The Association
of American Medical Colleges invites nominations for the Herbert W. Nickens
Award for outstanding contributions to promoting justice in medical education
and health care. The recipient will receive a $10,000 award and will give the
Nickens Memorial Lecture at the AAMC annual meeting. Deadline for nominations:
May 15, 2001.
American Legal Defense and Education Fund Internships in Asian American voting
rights (Fall 2001) -
& Green 2000 - New report from the Institute
for Southern Studies finds that states with the highest environmental grades also
boast the best economies (on-line report includes state-by-state reports and links
to over 40 data sources).
and IT training scholarships for faculty, students, and administrators - Tuition-free
on-line training in Information Technology to the first 10,000 applicants. IT
training scholarships to disadvantaged school and college students and teachers.
Program to Fund Minority Scholars in Health Disparities
fellowships for cancer research - The Intercultural
Cancer Council in partnership with the Cancer Research Foundation of America,
the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and Bristol Myers Squibb Oncology,
invite applications for 2 two-year $30,000/year scholarships to increase the number
of cancer researchers from minority or socioeconomically disadvantaged groups
as well as to increase cancer research addressing the special needs of minorities
and/or medically underserved populations. Fellowships start July 1, 2001; application
deadline extended to April 1st.
Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act of 2000
Research Fellowship in prevention of violence against women prevention research -
Wellesley Centers for Women
- application deadline: March 1, 2001; position available September 2001