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Testimonials and statements of support
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The Minority Health Project works to eliminate health disparities and to increase diversity in the professions, though production and dissemination of educational broadcasts, building linkages among diversity activities, and supporting the UNC public health Minority Student Caucus (MSC). (More about the Minority Health Project)

  • “Over the years, I and other CDC colleagues have found the Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute and Videoconference on Minority Health to be extemely informative and valuable to our work. I hope you are able to secure sustainable funding for the program.”
    Walter W. Williams, MD, MPH, Captain, USPHS, Associate Director for Minority Health, Director, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, CDC
  • “My ongoing contact with the Minority Health Project through its annual Conference, Summer Institute and Forums on Minority Health Issues have supported my work in the community as a public health professional since 2006. The project, by providing access to important research findings and fresh perspectives that impact minority populations, also spotlights a developing clarity on the roles of social, environmental and genetic factors in illness. Untangling the multiple threads of these factors inform wellness education and systemic change - both areas where my work is done - which help prevent and mitigate the effects of illness. This project's work is inspiring and ground-breaking for communities everywhere.”
    Lynne J. Steinberg, MSPH, HADM (Health Policy and Administration, UNC), 1983
  • “I attended the UNC School of Public Health from 1994-1996 as a master's student in Health Education and Health Behavior. During this time I was a member of the Minority Student Caucus and the Minority Health Conference Planning Committee. I served as conference chair for the 1996 Conference. Both the caucus and the conference continue to serve and have served valuable roles for the students of the UNC School of Public Health, particularly minority students, and the institution itself. The caucus and conference allowed students to stretch their learning beyond the classroom and practice some of the professional roles that they would play in their future. Documenting the history of the caucus and the conference is an important for Public Health profession. It will show the role of UNC and its graduates in developing a serious commitment to the health of communities and the issues affecting them. It will provide examples and will be the stimulus for future ideas. I fully support activities that disseminate and document the work of the Minority Health Project, Minority Student Caucus, and the Minority Health Conference.”
    Howard Straker, MPH, PA-C, Program Manager, Program Office, DC Area Health Education Center and Assistant Professor, Health Care Sciences, The George Washington Physician Assistant Program
  • “I just wanted to reiterate that this is such an amazing opportunity. All the students and faculty as well the dean of students at Boston University School of Public Health are very ecstatic at this event. Thank you very much for opening this up for us. I will let you know how it all went, but I trust that it's going to go great.

    On a similar note, you have actually inspired PHAM's Spring Symposium to webcast our speaker, former Senator/Representative and current President of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Jarrett Barrios. The event is set for March 20th from 3-4pm EST. I wanted to inquire on the hardware as well as software requirements for webcasting such an event. Our university is committed on giving us what is needed and would like to place any such orders with our IT department as soon as possible. I appreciate any help you can give us.”
    Amaru Javier Sanchez, Boston University
  • “UNC's webcasts of the Annual Minority Health Conferences have been not only outstanding in their relevance and consistent high quality, but also a great service to all of public health.”
    Alice A. Furumoto-Dawson, PhD, University of Chicago
  • “Thank you for providing these webcasts that make those of us unable to attend can still learn and partake of important educational opportunities.”
    Jane Taafaki-Sam, MPA, Coordinator, Ulu Kukui Project, Native Hawaiian Health Program, The Queens Medical Center
  • “The broadcasts of Minority Health Project have been an integral part of my academic and professional public health careers. I was a recent graduate working at the Alameda County Department of Public Health in Oakland, California when I was first exposed to the 2001 Summer Public Health Research Videoconference on Minority Health featuring Dr. Camara Jones. After applying to graduate schools of public health, it was the 24th Annual Minority Health Conference featuring Dr. Sherman James and lead by the Minority Student Caucus that helped convince me to come to UNC. Since coming to UNC, I have had the privilege of serving on three Minority Health Conference committees as well as organizational roles with the Summer Videoconference. These conferences served as a unique recruitment tools, introduced a young scholar to phenomenal research, and gave me an opportunity to build and strengthen the skills necessary to be an effective scholar and professional. I hope this brief passage has provide a few examples of the impact the Minority Health Project has had in the life of a young, Black scholar.”
    Danielle Laura Spurlock, MPH, Departments of Health Behavior and Health Education and City and Regional Planning, UNC Chapel Hill
  • “I am writing to convey my strongest and most enthusiastic support for the Minority Health Project. For more than a decade I have benefited from participating in the conference. As you know, now that I am a faculty member at UCLA, I have begun to connect a new generation of public health students with this conference, and they are very excited about it. I first learned of the videoconference when I was an MPH student at the University of Pittsburgh. Pitt hosted a webcast of the conference and it was well attended everyday by students, staff and faculty at Pitt. In fact, my exposure to the videoconference strongly influenced my decision to pursue a doctorate in public health at the University of North Carolina.

    Since graduating from UNC, I spent two years at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and I am now on the faculty in the UCLA School of Public Health. My experiences at these institutions as well as my interactions with other researchers nationally makes it clear that no other such high caliber health disparities project exists in the country. The UNC Minority Health Project is a rare and outstanding resource within the UNC School of Public Health. Its visibility represents UNC's commitment to diversity and to eliminating health disparities. Moreover, it is a vital force and practical resource for training public health professionals and researchers.

    Notes about my direct involvement with the conference include the following Department of HBHE (minor Epidemiology) - graduated 2005 Involved with the conference every year from 1999-2004

    I remain enthusiastic about supporting and expanding the Minority Health Project. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I may be of further assistance in doing so.”
    Chandra L. Ford, PhD, MPH, MLIS, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, UCLA School of Public Health (and UNC HBHE alumna)
  • “Looking back over my 30+ years of federal government service, this project is the one effort that I point to with pride and a deep sense of professional fulfillment. In its beginnings, the Minority Health Project filled a critical void in pulling together data on minority health and bringing to the forefront much needed discussion and research on racial and ethnic health disparities. It's evolution over the years has kept true to its original purpose - using technology and innovation to reach hundreds of participants while sharing relevant content, providing training opportunities and serving as a model for many other minority health programs that came afterward. Since 1994, this project has found ways to continue providing the best in program content for those concerned with eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity. It is a best practice, evidenced based and cost effective program that continues to provide dividends for the original investment. It is well worthy of support.”
    Audrey Burwell, Senior Public Health Advisor, HHS Office of Minority Health and former MHP Project Officer, CDC/NCHS
  • “. . . thanks for all you do to educate staff in these important "practice"-based subjects. Internal training departments must often focus on more generic business skills training, so these topics that are directly related to public health practice are invaluable.”
  • “Glad to see you're still coordinating this. Actually I asked our RHDI Dept. to sponsor it and they actually are. I'm registering with them. If I don't get a spot then I'll use my computer. Thanks for continuing to provide these conferences. I still use some of the material from the previous one when I do trainings.”
    Itika Greene, Family, Maternal & Child Health Programs, Martinez, Cal.
  • “I have been involved with the Minority Health Project and Minority Student Caucus for the past five years as a graduate student. My experiences with both have allowed me to develop as a student, scientist and community activist. The MHP has been instrumental in providing resources and information about the health of minority populations as well as connecting various groups for the purpose of advancing public health. MSC has been a venue for minority student so gather and learn from each other, develop their skills and voice their concerns. MSC and the MHP have truly provided me with the support to successfully complete my PhD in Maternal and Child Health.”
    Dara D. Mendez, PhD, UNC SPH Minority Student Caucus Co-President, 2004-2005
  • “Dr. Wallace's presentation was inspirational and motivational! It has reinforced my commitment to global and equitable health care! The role of lay-health educators--within a cultural competency framework--is critical to bringing this change about. I'm hoping to be alongside those learning to make a difference!”
    Norma Marti, Children & Youth Branch DPH/NCHDDS
  • “The Minority Health Project is an amazing way to increase the dialogue on health disparities and their solutions! The Project makes it possible to move the conversation from "Isn't this horrible?" to "Let's do something about it." The Project also encourages a deeper look at the problem, moving from an individual deficiency perspective to a population-perspective that includes the social determinants of health. Especially in these tough economic times where travel funds are limited, the broadcasts enable professionals and students from different sectors, backgrounds, and cultures to come together to learn and to work collaboratively.”
    MPH Candidate, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill
  • “I appreciate your efforts and thank you for continuing to work to make these broadcasts so informative. Thank you”
  • “I have participated in the [summer] conference in person and via videoconference. It ranks at the top of my list for minority health conferences. In addition, I incorporated last year's videoconference in a summer school course I taught. The students really enjoyed it. In fact, one of my students was the first person to get a call through to ask a question during the Q&A session. She was very excited as well as her classmates!!!”
    Joann T. Richardson, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth University and UNC alumna
  • “Thank you so much for sending me the DVDs regarding Health Disparities (since I cannot view live, streaming videos) from your wonderful conferences. I especially enjoyed the American Indian/Alaska Native Indigenous Health Disparities lectures by Michael Bird and Carole Anne Heart. I was so sad to learn that Ms. Heart died, due to cancer!

    I have been reading extensively about the history of Native Americans in the Midwest (Mississippi Valley) and their early contact with white men here, especially via Francis Parkman's books and The Jesuit Relations by Thwaites. So, I thoroughly appreciated the "Roots of Indigenous Health Disparities" as explained by Michael Bird. Everything that I have read was reiterated by Mr. Bird: genocide, dispossession, and infectious disease. These issues must be understood in order to understand the history and context of American Indians, which is essential to changing attitudes among non-Indians regarding health disparities.

    "Takeni = Survivor (of American Indian Epidemics). Survivors have become stronger people," said Carole Anne Heart. I believe that she is correct - today's American Indians are growing stronger every day. I plan to conduct Community-Based Participatory Research with the Oneida Nation and the Menominee Nation in Northeast Wisconsin and look forward to working with these wonderful communities here.”
    Annette Paul, Aurora BayCare Medical Center

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Minority Health Project| Department of Epidemiology | UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
2104D McGavran-Greenberg, CB#7435 | Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7435
Phone 919-966-7436 | Fax 919-966-2089| E-mail Minority_Health@unc.edu

Last updated: 7/31/2009 by Vic Schoenbach