American College of Epidemiology
ACE/American Chemistry Council
Early Career Award in Epidemiologic Methods

Request for Applications

Description:  The American College of Epidemiology/ American Chemistry Council Early Career Award provides up to $100,000 to encourage young investigators to pursue research into methodological topics that are relevant to the practice of environmental epidemiology. The American Chemistry Council’s support of research into the priority areas identified in its Long-Range Research Initiative program can significantly enhance career development for young investigators while encouraging innovative research. Methodological research, i.e., theoretical and practical research that relates to issues of validity in increasingly complex environmental and other epidemiologic studies, is a significantly under-funded area. Yet, it is as critical to public health and to the chemical industry as research that seeks to find environmental causes of cancers and other diseases.

Eligibility for the Award:  The American Chemistry Council requires that the applicants for this Early Career Award have less than 5 years experience post doctorate. Scientists eligible for this Award must be affiliated with North American public or private institutions. Co-applicants, if any, need not meet these criteria.

Selection Criteria:  This Award is intended to encourage intermediate term methodological research, broadly defined, that would be relevant to environmental epidemiologic studies. Proposals may address areas of priority to the American Chemistry Council or other novel methodological areas relevant to environmental epidemiology. Background information regarding the prioritized epidemiology topics of current interest as part of the American Chemistry Council's Long-Range Research Initiative is posted on the American Chemistry Council's web site ( and the American College of Epidemiology Website ( The American Chemistry Council's white paper and the research plan of the Epidemiology Technical Implementation Panel, which discuss the types of projects identified as high priorities by the Council and the Panel, are also available on the Council's web site. This information is made available to potential applicants to assist them in understanding the nature of topics of high interest to the sponsoring organization and to guide them in focusing their research proposal.

Applications should describe the specific investigative goals and approaches for the proposed research in sufficient detail to support a competitive review and selection process. The technical review will evaluate the merits of the proposals, the research environment, the likelihood that the proposed project will further the development of a successful research career for the investigator, and will identify those proposals considered most suitable and most highly regarded for funding.. A review committee convened by the American College of Epidemiology will make the final selection of the meritorous proposal.

Investigators who can apply the Award funds to support participation in cooperative research programs are encouraged. Applicants should identify opportunities to partner their proposed research with current academic, governmental, or industrial research programs. Of particular interest would be proposals that are likely to lead to future successful activities in the American Chemistry Council’s priority epidemiology areas. If the proposed research is linked to current or reasonably anticipated projects, the relationships should be described.

Preference will be given to scientists seeking opportunities to establish or enhance their research publication record. Applicants for the Award are encouraged to include budget considerations that allow them opportunities to present papers at one professional meeting each year that they hold the Award. At least one of these presentations must be made at the annual American College of Epidemiology meeting. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged.

Project Duration: Project duration is limited to two years. Awards will be limited to $100,000, with single or apportioned annual payments over the life of the project, as described in the proposal.

Funding Awards: In the event that a meritorious proposal is not identified in response to this announcement, the appropriated funds will be used either to extend the Award program for another year, or to make multiple Awards during the next cycle, at the discretion of the sponsor.

Application and Review Process:

Letter of Intent: Prospective applicants are asked to submit, by December 22, 2000, a letter of intent that includes a descriptive title of the proposed research; the name, address, and telephone number of the Principal Investigator; and the identities of other key personnel and participating institutions. Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows ACE staff to estimate the potential review workload and avoid conflict of interest in the review. The letter of intent is to be sent to: American College of Epidemiology / American Chemistry Council Early Career Award, American College of Epidemiology, 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27607 U.S.A.

Application Instructions: An application package containing, in order, the following materials must be submitted to the American College of Epidemiology/ American Chemistry Council Early Career Award, American College of Epidemiology, 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27607 U.S.A. For an applicant to be considered for this award, the application package must contain all of the requested material.

Research Approach:

  1. Cover page containing the title of the Award, title of research proposal, name and mailing address of the applicant and authorized institutional representative, and approval signature of an authorized representative of the institution. State the amount of the Award ($100,000 maximum) and the funding periods to be covered by the Award. Please use the cover page provided.

  2. A description of the proposed research must be completed, consisting of (a) Specific Aims; (b) Background and Significance; (c) Preliminary Studies; d) Research Design and Methods; e) Relevancy to the American Chemistry Council's Long-Range Research Initiative Areas or to applied epidemiological science; and (f) Significance of anticipated results. This entire section (a-f) must not exceed 15 pages of single- spaced text, 12-point font. An appendix that includes data collection instruments and forms, laboratory protocols, and relevant publications of the investigator may be included.

  3. A Curriculum Vitae (4 pages maximum) of the principal investigator and all co- investigators.

  4. A letter of support for the applicant from the appropriate university administrator that acknowledges the application and that overhead and indirect costs will not be subtracted from the Award as outlined in the budget details.

  5. A letter of support from the Department Chair or the applicant’s immediate supervisor that describes the level of support for the project and the professional development of the applicant.

  6. A description of the research environment at the applicant’s institution and opportunities for professional development.


  1. The application should include a detailed budget showing the level of effort and associated cost for all investigators, capital items with justification, material and supplies, travel, miscellaneous expenses, and matching funds or leveraged support from other supporting institutions. Please use the budget form provided.

  2. The funds may be used to defray a variety of costs associated with research. investigations. For example, funds can be used to pay salaries of investigators, students, and technicians as well as to support sample analyses, travel, equipment, supplies, and costs associated with publishing. Project duration is limited to two years.

  3. Because the funds are to be paid to the recipient’s institution as an Award rather than a grant, essential overhead or indirect costs should not be included with the request for funds. Written approval of these terms from an authorized representative of the applicant's institution must accompany the proposal.


Eight (8) collated copies of the material requested above should be sent to: The American College of Epidemiology/ American Chemistry Council Early Career Award, American College of Epidemiology, 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27607 U.S.A.. Completed application packages must be received by 5:00 P.M. Eastern time, February 1, 2001. No late applications will be accepted.

All inquires concerning the application process should be directed to Mr. Peter Kralka at The American College of Epidemiology/ American Chemistry Council Early Career Award, American College of Epidemiology, 1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27607 U.S.A. Phone: 919-861-5573 Fax: 919-787-4916   E-mail:

Scientific issues should be directed to Philip C. Nasca, Ph.D. at The University of Massachusetts at Amherst, School of Public Health and Health Sciences, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Room 411, Arnold House, Amherst, MA 01003-0430 Phone: (413) 545-4534 Fax: (413) 545-1645     E-mail:

Review Schedule:

  1. Completed applications must be received by February 1, 2001.

  2. Technical review of the applications will be managed by ACE and completed by April 1, 2001.

  3. The recipient of the Award will be notified by April 15, 2001, and will receive the Award at the International Epidemiology Congress in June 2001.

Reports and acknowledgements: Copies of any article, paper, or manuscript prepared under the Award are required from the recipient. These should be sent to the American College of Epidemiology Office at the address indicated above. Publications resulting from work under the Award should bear the following statement: "This work was supported (in part) by the American College of Epidemiology /American Chemistry Council Early Career Award in Epidemiologic Methods."

American Chemistry Council Priority Research: Information on areas of interest to the American Chemistry Council can be found in their white paper on epidemiologic research, Long-Range Research Initiative (MS Word document).

The deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2001.

ACE / American Chemistry Council Early Career Award
American College of Epidemiology
1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102
Raleigh, NC 27607 USA

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Updated 09/07/02vs