Gillings School of Global Public Health, November 14, 2017, noon-1pm.
MP3 audio recording
* Why haven’t compelling epidemiologic data eliminated health disparities?Presented in the Social Epidemiology Seminar, coordinated by Allison Aiello, Department of Epidemiology, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health (235 Rosenau Hall), September 2017 (audio, video, Powerpoint slides)
Broader Perpsectives on Health Disparities - for Medical Dialogue, September 12, 2017
2016 "Lightning talk" Health disparities - broader perspectives - Audio recording (16 min)Presentation April 11, 2016 for UNC AcademyHealth "Lightning Talk". Vic presentation only, without questions. See also PDF, slides, longer audio recording, plus audio recording of Cleo Samuel's presentation.
2016 "Lightning talk" on health disparities (includes questions for all presenters)Panel presentation for Academy Health, April 11, 2016, 2301 McGavran-Greenberg, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Organized by Jenny Spencer, Meagan Cannady, Neela Kumar, Nicole Murrell, and Dominika Fiolna. Audio recordings in this folder, including presentation by Cleo Samuel.
2016 "Lightning talk" on health disparities - audioRecording: 201620160411_003-Schoenbach.MP3.
Ends with questions and responses from all presenters
2016 "Lightning talk" on Health disparities - Cleo SamuelAudio file: 20160411_002-Samuel.MP3
Epidemiology, Equity, Economics, Evolution, and Enlightenment - Audio recording (40 min)Presentation August 24, 2016 in the UNC Department of Epidemiology Social Epidemiology Seminar (see accompanying Powerpoint slides)
Epidemiology, Equity, Economics, Evolution, and Enlightenment - SlidesPresented in the UNC Department of Epidemiology Social Epidemiology Seminar, August 24, 2016
Health disparities - broader perspectives - SlidesUNC AcademyHealth "Lightning talk", April 11, 2016
Lectures from EPID600, "Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health"Lecture slides (with verbatim speaker notes) and recordings from my course EPID600