We're moving!

UNC at Chapel Hill is migrating from its Sakai platform, though pages that were open to the public are still accessible.

Vic Schoenbach (https://go.unc.edu/vjs), who has been maintaining this "virtual library", is rebuilding the site on his personal website at https://www.epidemiolog.net/sjae/publib/. It will take some time to get everything back to where it was. He is enormously grateful to his sons Michael and Daniel, for downloading the Sakai website, creating a translation table for the Sakai-encoded URLs, and coaching him in Python scripting to update many of the pages - and in so many other regards.

There are links to the reconstructed site from https://go.unc.edu/vjs and https://go.unc.edu/SJAE, and Vic's remaining short URLs will be re-pointed soon.

Many of the pages on the Sakai site can be found in the Internet Archive (https://www.archive.org), e.g., https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/sakai.unc.edu/access/content/user/vschoenb/Public%20Library/

Thank you for your patronage and patience!

May 4, 14, 16, 22, 2024