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24th Annual Minority Health Conference
Social Determinants of Health: Assembling Pieces of the Puzzle

Satellite coordinates (C-band) for registered sites

Please read the Site Agreement and Register your downlink site before downlinking this program   (Register now)

IMPORTANT:  Technical support for tuning your satellite receiver is provided by Microspace Communications Corporation, 919-850-4565. Callers must refer to "UNC-School of Public Health" program. Beginning at 8:00 AM EST on March 1, you may call Microspace for assistance in tuning your satellite receiver. Also, if you encounter any transmission interruptions or difficulties, please call Microspace.

Broadcast schedule (Friday, March 1, 2002)
Times are Eastern Standard Time
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Test signal for tuning satellite receiver
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture by Sherman A. James, Ph.D.
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Live telephone question and answer session
You may make one copy of this program for use within your institution.

Broadcast schedule

Register as a satellite downlink site

Agenda and registration information to attend the Conference in Chapel Hill

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Updated 11/13/01raj
, 01/22/02raj