Student comments from EPID600 Summer 2016

(in random order - click here for date order)

(About student comments)


15: “I find the live meetings very helpful. If I had any suggestions, I would like to participate in more live sessions where we could interact with the professors.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

17: “I'm enjoying the course very much and find it very applicable to my work and coursework I have previously taken.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

16: “I would ideally choose between somewhat true and quite true, but closer to quite true. I find the material which is mostly new (to me) quite a challenge and time consuming - beyond 9 hours/week, speaking for myself. The conferences are important and it is obvious that the instructors are willing to put in just as much time as they assign. I particularly appreciate the reviews of case studies and practice quiz questions during the Monday night sessions. The actual quiz questions have become more straightforward since module III and I think this is important for testing the true knowledge/effort of a student in an intro class. I am confident that this course is preparing me well.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

20: “The course material is good, but it is a lot to master in a short period of time. The 15 minute time of the quiz is challenging, and even 20 minutes would be a big help. [Note from Vic - the time limit IS 20 minutes!]”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

6: “It is challenging, but very interesting.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

18: “I'm really enjoying the class. Thank you for all the work you and the TA's are putting into our education!”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

13: “This course really challenges the analytical side of my brain by requiring me to translate epidemiological approaches/concepts into math problems and solving. I was very fearful of this class however I am encouraged by the structure and set up of the class as I feel like I don't have to carry anxiety with me throughout the class or be overly fearful of making mistakes. I continue to put a tremendous amount of time and effort into the class and have learned to not become fixated on quiz grades but rather focus on trying to internalize the concepts. It is a lot of information (like drinking from a fire hose at some points) but I do believe it is making me a better public health professional.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

2: “I enjoy being challenged but this course is taking a lot out of me this semester. I think it would be difficult for me regardless of the teaching method. Vic has made the course as interesting as possible and Jen and my study group has been helpful along the way.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

14: “I am really enjoying this course. The material is very challenging, but it is so satisfying to work through the problems, especially since they're always based in real-life examples.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

19: “It is a wonderful course and I really like the setup. It makes for better learning for all types of "learners" as it is a very well balanced mixed of learning styles (reading, lectures, live discussions, interactive, etc.).”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Pawinee )
Order by date submitted.

9: “Great course. Well organized. VIc and Jen and Pawinee are great.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

8: “I really dislike having recorded lectures and "live" meetings. It seems like we are doing things in duplicate, and it is overkill. I am very busy with my schedule, so sometimes I am only able to review the recorded lectures. However, I come to find out that the live meetings have crucial information in them that pertains to the weekly quiz, despite its status as optional.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

5: “I have taken epidemiology before, so I may be at another level than the majority of the class, but I honestly find the case study process incredibly frustrating. While I find the case studies themselves a useful method of understanding the epidemiological concepts we are reviewing, I have found the discussion forums tedious and unnecessary. It is difficult to foster virtual discussion when everyone is on different schedules, learning paces, and the majority of questions have black and white answers. Additionally, having all group members responsible for the work has made me lazier and less interested in my own learning, as I know that the answers for the case studies will be posted in the forums each week. I also find that there is little consistency in the level of knowledge in the quizzes - some things have been almost insultingly basic (example: choosing which was the proportion on the quiz two weeks ago) while others have been confusingly worded and therefore difficult (the pancreatic cancer screening question from the most recent quiz). / / I took this class because I wanted the flexibility of completing things at my own pace, not having to rely on classmates and having more freedom to fit things in my schedule. I wish that it was better communicated beforehand that this would not be the case in this class.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

3: “The course is interesting, but extremely challenging. As a PHLP candidate, I sometimes feel as though I am "out of my wheelhouse." While I understand Epi is foundational to my learning experience, I feel as though I needed some preparatory courses to prepare me for the type of information that is being covered. I do think the skills I am learning in Epi will prove useful in my career, and for that I am grateful.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

7: “I am learning a ton, but the case studies and quizzes seem mostly focused on trick questions, as opposed to questions that relate to the key themes of the readings and lectures. It seems anyone that can answer all of the questions properly probably doesn't need to be in the class. / / Also, during lectures, I feel the instructor too quickly starts to cover exceptions to the rule as opposed to covering the general concepts first. Go over the key messages and concepts first, then get to the details and exceptions. / / The first case study walked us through an actual case, which I enjoyed. I really thought we'd have more cases like this.”
(TAeval1, Internet course, TA: Jen )
Order by date submitted.

(An additional 6 comments were received but the students did not authorize their dissemination.)

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2016b, compiled 06/25/2016