UNC School of Public Health

Department of Epidemiology

Fundamentals of Epidemiology (EPID 168)

Guidelines for written commentaries


Please write a succinct commentary on the overall topic for which you signed up for a presentation. Your commentary should:

  1. Summarize the background and critically review the major epidemiologic findings on the topic;
  2. Describe the key methodologic issues involved in studying the research question (i.e., study designs, problems of measurement, analytic questions, etc.);
  3. Draw implications for policy and/or make recommendations for further research, where indicated.

Your commentary should have a title (the assigned topic), citations to the literature, and the following subheadings: Background, Methodologic Issues, Conclusion and Recommendations, and References.


Sample commentaries may be viewed on the web site. You may also wish to view the general feedback about past commentaries.

Grading is described in the General Information sheet.

Suggested reading: George D. Gopen and Judith A. Swan. The science of writing. American Scientist 1991; 78:550-558.


EPID 168, Guidelines for written commentaries, rev. 12/13/1999, 11/7/2000