Items of possible interest




Global health

Handy links

Information resources




North Carolina



Transcendental Meditation (TM) and Consciousness


Vic scrapbook



Events / Activities / News / Articles / Books / Videos / Programs

National Health Equity Research Webcasts (information and recorded webcast) (previous webcasts) (older webcasts)

Celebrating the Annual Minority Health Conference and the Annual William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture (recent keynote lectures) (earlier keynotes) (and here)

Scenes from the Annual Minority Health Conference on Flickr and Facebook.

Retrospective on the 1964 Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health, including television ads from the era, posted by the Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society:

UNC Gillings SPH Events  -  UNC Events Calendar  -  UNC Academic calendars

Congress: Trading stock on inside information? CBS 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft reports that members of Congress can legally trade stock based on non-public information from Capitol Hill. [not available on 2/16/2020] Script for insiders from 11/13/2011 [courtesy of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine] More on CBS Overtime [courtesy of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine but requires Adobe Flash to view the video]

War on Drugs = Shooting ourselves in the feet? - see President Jimmy Carter's op-ed "Call off the global drug war" in the 6/16/2011 New York Times (read)

Worth re-reading: Lester Thurow, The future of capitalism (vimeo interview by Mary Lou Bigelow) (review by Lawrence Nichols) (Paul Krugman vs. Lester Thurow)

This American Life and NPR News special on health care in the U.S. (two shows in 2009):  -  "More is less"   "Someone else's money"

Adriane J. Fugh-Berman. The Haunting of Medical Journals: How Ghostwriting Sold “HRT” PLoS Medicine 2010 (Sept 7). Wyeth-Ayerst paid DesignWrite, a medical education and communication company (MEC), to write and submit papers to medical journals as part of promotional efforts for Premarin and Prempro ("The first step is to choose the target journal best suited to the manuscript's content, thus avoiding the possibility of manuscript rejection. DesignWrite will then analyze the data and write the manuscript, recruit a suitable well-recognized expert to lend his/her name as author of the document, and secure the author's approval of its content." from a "MEDICAL EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS PLAN FOR THE PREMARIN PRODUCT LINE" prepared by DesignWrite for Wyeth-Ayerst in 1996, Ghostwriting 101. Wyeth was subsequently acquired by Pfizer.) [More on ghostwriting for medical journals]

"Immigration court rules state, 'It would offend due process if the immigration judge obtains from the group a "mass silent waiver of the right of appeal."' Nonetheless, Pelletier says, 'I will take their silence as a waiver of their right to appeal, and I will issue an order,' departing the men en masse." p17 in Jacqueline Stevens. Lawless courts. The Nation Nov 8, 2010:17-22. (article)

Domestic terrorism outbreak in Los Angeles [courtesy of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine].

Joycelyn Elders, M.D. From sharecropper’s daughter to Surgeon General of the United States of America, by Joycelyn Elders with David Chanoff. NY, Avon Books, 1996.

Betrayal of trust: the collapse of global public health, by Laurie Garrett.

The Persuaders (PBS Frontline) - Fascinating!  -  Inside Job, a film by Charles Ferguson.

The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio, by William J. Bernstein. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2002, ISBN 0071385290, 9780071385299, 240 pages (see also The Investment Answer by Daniel C. Goldie and Gordon S. Murray)

[Long ago reports]Poverty dramatically affects children's brains     (More reports on disparities)

Dreams from my father, by Barack Obama.

Not Yet Rain, produced by IPAS

The courage to lead: One man's journey in public service, by Howard N. Lee.

The Motivator: The Business of Selling Hope, award-winning film documents a weekend in the life of international motivational speaker Victor Antonio [González] as he travels from his home in Georgia to deliver a keynote in front of 2500 guests at a national conference in Philadelphia. The film marked the directorial debut of South Florida filmmaker Dan Perez,

Much more like the above (and more recent) in Vic's Virtual Library of Resources

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The Local Reporter (e-newsletter)

Daily Tar Heel (e-newsletter)

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EpiGrad Today the epidemiology graduate’s fashion magazine [by Robby Poore, for Lynne Sampson - courtesy of the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine]

Alibabba and the Magic Mouse Pad (UNC Department of Epidemiology faculty skit from yesteryear)

Epidemiology Squares (UNC Department of Epidemiology (1997?) Christmas skit written by Marilyn Vine and starring Barbara Hulka, Amy Sayle, and Marilyn Vine)

Piled Higher and Deeper (PHD) the ongoing chronicle of life (or the lack thereof) in grad school, by Jorge Cham (Science 27 March 2009;323:1668-69).

Web Site Story CollegeHumor's first Broadway musical since (LOL)Cats. (More from College Humor)

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Global health

ASHOKA - nuturing social entrepreneurs

Rx for Survival - WGBH short videos

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Handy links for Quick Reference

UNC Libraries   (Health Sciences Library)
Carolina Digital Repository  -  UNC Virtual Museum
 -  UNC Digital Commons  -  Digital NC
UNC IT Technical Assistance  -  SAS Knowledge Base online reference books, including Gray’s Anatomy and William Strunk, Jr. The elements of style.
Royalty-free photos for lecture slides and websites from The Library of Congress and Creative Commons - Pants on Fire statements

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Information resources

Academic Earth, free video courses from leading universities

NC LIVE offers the people of North Carolina online access to complete articles from over 16,000 newspapers, journals, magazines, and encyclopedias, indexing for over 25,000 periodical titles, access to over 25,000 online print and audio books, and hundreds of PBS video files including Ken Burns’ The Civil War, Baseball, and Jazz, selected episodes from American Experience and Frontline and (soon) children’s series Cyberchase and Liberty’s Kids. (Link for UNC access to NC Live video files

EurekaAlert, news releases on science and health topics (AAAS)

Consumer Reports WebWatch is the Internet integrity division of Consumers Union, the non-profit publisher of of Consumer Reports magazine and

FactCheck analyzes assertions and ads by both sides in the presidential campaign (for example, the infamous “bridge to nowhere”)

National Library of Medicine - Health Services Research and Public Health

Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce

Health data tools and statistics

*Vic's Virtual Library

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Jobs and Career (and fellowships)

Science careers from the journal Science includes career advice, tools, how-to guides, and the Minority Scientists Network

UNC University Career Services and Carolina Jobs Program (includes part-time jobs)

UNC General Alumni Association career page (access requires a GAA user ID and password)

UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health careers services including information on permanent and temporary jobs, internships, fellowships, grants and awards, and international opportunities

Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at one time had a register for graduate research assistant jobs

A few of the many sources of public health and research jobs at UNC and environs provides fee-based services to assist with academic publishing and thesis-writing. Their website has an apparently useful guide to academic and scientific publishing [please note that this listing is not meant to imply a recommendation or endorsement, since my appraisal thus far is purely superficial.]

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Transcendental Meditation (TM), Consciousness, and the Science of Creative Intelligence


Why we must ration health care” – by Peter Singer, New York Times Magazine July 15, 2009

Classical music online

WCPE Radio - The Classical Station



Metropolitan Opera

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North Carolina

Digital NC

Radio In Vivo: Your Link to the Triangle Science Community (WCOM-FM 103.5, Carrboro NC). Program archive has interviews with dozens of scientists and public health leaders.

NC Division of Public Health
      State Center for Health Statistics and related sites

A History of. Dental Public Health in North Carolina – by Jean Spratt, DDS, MPH and John Pendill, DDS. Presented at the 2008 NC Statewide Dental Public Health Conference, July 16, 2008.

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Guttmacher Institute

American College of Epidemiology (see also for the ACE Minority Affairs Committee and selected recordings)

American Public Health Association

The Carter Center

The David Lynch Foundation has programs for schools, prisons, the homeless, people with HIV or PTSD, victims of violence or historical trauma, in countries all over the world.

The Elders is an independent group of global leaders who work together for peace and human rights.

Games Adolescents Shouldn't Play (G.A.S.P.)

Global Health Council

Greg Palast has been called the "most important investigative reporter of our time – up there with Woodward and Bernstein" (The Guardian). Palast has broken front-page stories for BBC Television Newsnight, The Guardian, Nation Magazine, Rolling Stone and Harper's Magazine.

The Nation

Population Reference Bureau

Physicians for Social Responsibility

SIECUS - Advancing sex ed for social change since 1964.
The Kinsey Institute - Exploring sexuality, relationships, and well-being for more than 70 years
(Other sexuality sites:,

Southern Poverty Law Center


*Many more organizations!

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William Strunk, Jr., The elements of style

Ask Dr. Math

Coursera - college courses without the cost, grief, and credit! - epidemiology learning resources

Khan Academy - former hedge fund analyst Sal Khan's project to educate the world - thousands of 12-minute lectures on arithmetic, algebra, biology, calculus, chemistry, computer science, developmental math, differential equations, economics, finance, geometry, linear algebra, pre-algebra, pre-calculus, physics, SAT preparation, probability, statistics, trigonometry, and more.

Editor's Tips - NIH Presentation On "Talking Science" Gives Tips and Checklist for Giving Good Talks (Epidemiology Monitor) NIH direct link (slides, video)

UNC Odum Institute

UNC Writing Center   (Help for hire editors)

Literature searches, Web 2.0, Email (see "Online Instruction")

Manuscript reviewer guidelines (from Elsevier)

MIT's Open Courseware Project - 2100 courses taught at MIT and available free online

(more . . .)

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Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness

TM Home - everything you ever wanted to know about Transcendental Meditation
Collection of short videos -
The Transcendental Meditation Program official sites in Asheville NC and Central and Eastern NC

Assorted links:
      Brain Plasticity and Transcendental Meditation with Dr Fred Travis , Majestic Theatre Boston
      The Key To Health And Happiness: A 'Lost' State of Consciousness?, Jeanne Ball, Huffington Post July 15, 2011
      Jeanne Ball: How [George Harrison] Transformed The Beatles
      Celebrities and TM, New York Times March 18, 2011
      Women professionals talk about their experience with Transcendental Meditation:
            Media gallery   Jannette Gordon   Marnie Abramson   Oprah Winfrey  

        Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, Director of Women’s Heart Health at NYC’s Lenox Hill Hospital.

      Martin Scorsese on his TM practice: "It’s made a difference", 12/13/2010
      Hedge fund manager Ray Dalio: "I started meditating over 35 years ago, and I would say TM is the single most important reason for whatever success I've had."

More testimonials:
      Springli Johnson, school administrator,       Claudia De Narvaez, college student,       Thomas Tomaselli, anesthesiologist,       Caterina Tomaselli-Roesler, Lawyer,       Jane Lazzareschi, travel agent,       Hloni Maseko, college teacher, Johannesburg,       Sy Migdal, retired English professor

David Lynch Foundation - healing traumatic stress and raising performance in at-risk populations. (Vic's pocket flyer)
      David Lynch Foundation Television
      David Lynch Foundation Hosts Gala for Soldiers at Fort Hamilton (Jim Luce, The Stewardship Report)
      On December 13, 2010 the David Lynch Foundation hosted the second "Change Begins Within" benefit gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Russell Brand, Clint Eastwood, Mehmet Oz, Katy Perry, Russell Simmons, David Lynch, and other very special guests participated in a a very different and exciting evening. (36 min)
     June 8, 2011 benefit gala in Washington D.C.The David Lynch Foundation held a benefit gala in Washington DC with filmmaker David Lynch, CNN anchor Candy Crowley, and psychiatrist Dr Norman Rosenthal to highlight the successes of two of the Foundation's key programs: "Operation Warrior Wellness" for veterans who suffer from PTSD and "The Quiet Time Program" for students who must overcome the ravages of acute stress in order to learn and succeed in life. Highlights included emotionally charged videos of meditating students and veterans, a lively, compelling conversation between Candy Crowley and David Lynch, and a fascinating discussion by Dr Rosenthal of new research documenting the wideranging benefits of TM practice for all areas of life. (1 hr 36 min)
     3rd annual Change Begins Within gala with Ellen Degeneris, Russell Brand, Jerry Yellin, James Dierke (former Middle School Principal of the Year), Carlos Garcia (past Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District), Martin Scorcese, David Lynch
     National summit on student health & education: Quiet Time in the classroom, October 16th, 2008, NYC
     National Summit: the Quiet Time Program, October 23, 2012, Paley Center for the Media, NYC (Excerpts, 10 min)
      ”Resilience, the Brain, and Meditation”. May 3, 2012, Washington D.C.
      Benefit concert at Radio City Music Hall featuring Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Sheryl Crow, Donovan, Eddie Vedder, Ben Harper, Moby, Paul Horn, Bettye LaVette, and Jim James (April 4, 2009) [Click concert link for performance; click name for interview]
      (more event replays)

Meditation Improves Performance at Military University” (Norwich University)
Confined For Cause: From Kids to Citizens in the City of Children” (Belo Horizonte, Brazil; produced as an academic project - 35 minutes) (Visit by David Lynch)
TM in the Schools” (NBC Today Show, 2 Sept 2003; avec sous-titres en français)
Transcendental Meditation Appears in the Classroom” (NPR Day to Day, 27 August 2007)
TM and ADHD” (nonpharmocologic management of ADHD) - pilot study with 11 middle school students. (news release)
PTSD & The Brain: How TM can help” by Gary Kaplan, Aug 16, 2011 (Veteran David George speaks out about PTSD at the launch of Operation Warrior Wellness )
Only Higher Consciousness Can Transform Our World” Dr. John Hagelin
Video overview of Dr. Hagelin's distance course Foundations of Physics and Consciousness (45 min)

Dr. Norman R. Rosenthal speaks about his book Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation, about TM's potential to help people psychologically, to relieve stress and distress in all the many forms in which it occurs.
Consciousness, creativity, and the brain” David Lynch’s talk at the University of California, Berkeley. (Conferencia por David Lynch en Boston (con subtítulos en español)
Does the college experience damage your brain?”First Annual National Brain Conference at the Maharishi University of Management

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation
      Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - the seven states of consciousness (15 min.)
                Part 2 (15 min)   Part 3 (10 min)   Part 4 (11 min)   Part 5 (11 min)
      Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the origin of thought (2:34)
      Maharishi, what is the settled state of mind — is it 'transcendence'?” - Excerpts from an interview with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Science of Mind magazine, November 1993.
      The Flow of Consciousness: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Literature and Language - A New Collection of Maharishi’s talks—from 1971 to 1976 Edited by Rhoda Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and Susan Anderson, Ph.D., Maharishi University of Management Press, 2011.
      Maharishi explains why he left the Himalayas to teach
      Maharishi speaks to Harvard Law Forum (1968) (58 min; audio improves after first 10 min.)
      More Maharishi historic video

Beneficios de Meditación Trascendental en Escuelas de Reino Unido
Que es Meditación Trascendental? En menos de 4 minutos (Canal MT)
Introducción a la Meditación Trascendental, con subtíltulos en español (John Hagelin, Norman Rosenthal)
Maharishi en Lake Louise, Canada - Comenta Sobre Meditación Trascendental, con subtíltulos en español
Curso de iniciación a la meditación transcendental (2011)
Foro sobre Meditacion Trascendental para Profesionales y Lideres Empresariales y de Gobierno (con John Hagelin, traducido al español)
Meditazione Trascendentale
Transcendental Meditasjon (TM) Oslo
TM is taught, in a standardized manner, throughout the world. As a single example, here is an article and 14-minute video about a program at a girls school in Thailand (the video is in Thai, with English subtitles).

Vic has many more links on TM and the David Lynch Foundation in his Virtual Library, including sections on Consciousness and neuroscience, Education, Employers, Health effects, Homeless persons, Global, Government, Law enforcement, Stress, trauma, and violence, Women.

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UNC; Gillings School of Global Public Health; Department of Epidemiology

SPH Events  -  UNC Events Calendar  -  Academic calendars

Carolina Digital Repository  -  UNC Virtual Museum  -  UNC Digital Commons

YouTube channels for   UNC at Chapel Hill   UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health   Vic

Department of Epidemiology newsletters

Some UNC Department of Epidemiology history (under construction). Includes Epidemiology Squares (Epidemiology Christmas skit written by Marilyn Vine and starring Barbara Hulka, Amy Sayle, and Marilyn Vine)

Interviews with Department of Epidemiology and UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health leaders

(Interview playlist on Vic's YouTube channel)

      Epidemiology Department chairs following Sidney Kark and John C. Cassel (about) (order of appearance)

Michel A. Ibrahim, "Ethical, Legal and Policy Aspects of Epidemiologic Investigations", October 9, 2014; Keynote Lecture celebrating the Department's 75th Anniversary (video), with introduction by Andrew F. Olshan. Plus after-dinner remarks by Dr. Ibrahim (part 1, part 2) and interview with Vic Schoenbach, October 10, 2014 (Part 1,   Part 2,   Part 3). Southern Oral History Program has audio recording and transcript of interview by Robert Korstad, June 6, 1989 (note - posted audio ends before transcript)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Barbara S. Hulka, professor and chair emerita (1983-1993) of the UNC Department of Epidemiology. Interviewed 7/9/2015 by Vic Schoenbach:     Part 1 (37 min),  Part 2 (21 min),   Part 3 (37 min),   Part 4 (8 min)     (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Carl M. Shy, professor and chair emeritus (1993-1996) of the UNC Department of Epidemiology. Interviewed 2/13/2015 by Karin Yeatts (parts 1 and 2) and Lorraine Alexander (part 3): Part 1   Part 2,   Part 3   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

David A. Savitz, former professor and chair (1996-2005) of the UNC Department of Epidemiology. Interviewed 11/7/2014 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1   Part 2   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

      Epidemiology Department faculty

Joan Cornoni Huntley, doctoral graduate and the first female faculty member in the Department of Epidemiology, talks about her history, that of the Department, and her subsequent career at the National Institute on Aging (interview with Victor Schoenbach) - part 1 (35 min),  part 2 (11 min),  part 3 (26 min),  part 3b (6 min)part 4 (5 min).   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Sherman A. James, former Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, talks about his own and the Department's history (interview with Bill Jenkins). After the interview, Sherman was a guest in Vic and Bill's seminar course, Social Justice and Equality - In Search of John Cassel's Epidemiology. Sherman was a very relevant guest, since he was hired by John Cassel and became the School's first African American tenure-track faculty member: part 1 (35 min), part 2 (27 min).   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Emeritus Professor Berton H. Kaplan, Department of Epidemiology, talks about his own and the Epidemiology Department's history (interview with Vic Schoenbach)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

David Kleinbaum, retired, talks about his own and the UNC Epidemiology Department's history (interview with Bill Jenkins) - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4; Retirement celebration from Emory University Rollins School of Public Health: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Victor J. Schoenbach, associate professor in the UNC Department of Epidemiology. Interviewed 3/13/2015 by Amy Sayle, assisted by Karin Yeatts:   Part 1   Part 2,   Part 3   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Steven B. Wing, associate professor, UNC Department of Epidemiology. Interviewed 7/15/2015 by Vic Schoenbach:
      Part 1a (37 min),   Part 1b (20 min),   Part 2a (37 min),   Part 2b (2 min) (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Stephen Zyzanski, past Research Associate, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor, UNC Department of Epidemiology, talks about his own and the Epidemiology Department's history (CV and 150 minute telephone interview with Vic Schoenbach, August 26, 2015)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

      Faculty from other Gillings department's

(Recent post) John Anderson, emeritus professor in the Department of Nutrition in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 3/15/2018 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1 (20 min), Part 2 (20 min), Part 3 (20 min).   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

(Recent post) Diane Rowley, emeritus professor of the practice of public health in the Department of Maternal and Child Health in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 5/11/2018 by Caitlin Williams: Part 1 (20 min), Part 2 (20 min), Part 3 (20 min), Part 4 (20 min), Part 5 (20 min), Part 6 (20 min), Part 7 (11 min), Audio recording   find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

      Epidemiology Department alumni

Ronald Aubert, alumnus of the Department of Epidemiology in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 4/7/2016 by Bill Jenkins: Part 1 (37 min), Part 2 (37 min)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Bill Jenkins, UNC Distinguished Alumnus, Co-Director of the Minority Health Project, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Epidemiology in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 10/29/2014 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1 (43 min), Part 2 (49 min), Part 3 (5 min)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Michele R. Forman, alumna of the Department of Epidemiology in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 4/17/2019 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1 (15 min), Part 2 (16 min) Part 3 (16 min) Part 4 (16 min) Part 5 (11 min)
Dr. Forman presented the 2018 H.A. Tyroler Distinguished Alumni Award Seminar that afternoon (recording).   find more in Vic's Virtual Library

Lauren McCullough, alumna of the Department of Epidemiology in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 9/27/2017 by Bill Jenkins: Part 1 (22 min), Part 2 (22 min) Part 3 (22 min) Part 4 (19 min)

Cheryl Blackmore Prince, alumna of the Department of Epidemiology in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 11/7/2017 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1 (18 min), Part 2 (21 min) Part 3 (21 min) Part 4 (8 min)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Allen Wilcox, alumnus of the Department of Epidemiology in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 9/1/2017 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1 (22 min), Part 2 (22 min), Part 3 (15 min)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

      Health Education / Health Behavior alumni

(New post) Van Sizar Allen, one of the first two African Americans to receive a graduate degree from the UNC Gillings School of Public Health, tells the story of his growing up, education, and career, in an interview with Vic Schoenbach over Zoom:   Part 1 (44 min.)   Part 2 (28 min.) [the transition from part 1 to part 2 is abrupt because Vic deleted a misstatement he made.]   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Edward V. Ellis, one of the first African Americans to receive a PhD from the UNC Gillings School of Public Health, tells the story of his growing up, education, and early career:   Part 1 (interview with Vic Schoenbach)   Part 2 (interview with Bill Jenkins)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Bernice Otudeko, 1966 graduate of the UNC Department of Health Education. Interviewed 11/13/2014 by Vic Schoenbach (interview) (44 min) and Stephen Couch (interview) (26 min)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Ethel Jean Jackson, 1974 graduate of the UNC Department of Health Education and later a faculty member. Interviewed with her husband Curtis on 11/20/2011 by Vic Schoenbach (interview) (57 min audio)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

M. Anita Page Holmes, 1971 graduate of the UNC Department of Health Education and a founding member of the School of Public Health's Minority Student Caucus. Interviewed (via Zoom) on 12/16/2020 by Maleka Walker, MSC Historian for 2020-2021. (interview)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Barbara Pullen-Smith, 1981 graduate of the UNC Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, who became the founding director of the N.C. Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Interviewed on 12/13/2019 by Vic Schoenbach (interview)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

      Alumni from other Gillings programs

Lana Dial, two-time (NUTR, MHCH) alumna of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 4/12/2016 by Bill Jenkins: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Curtis Jackson, 1974 graduate of the Department of Health Administration (HADM, now Health Policy and Management). Interviewed 7/13/2019 by Victor Schoenbach: Part 1 (46 min), Part 2 (46 min), Part 3 (32 min)   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

David McCoy, past Controller for the State of North Carolina and adjunct faculty in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Interviewed 4/15/2014 by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1, Part 2   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

Victoria Motley Washington, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health alumuna and 1978 co-chair of the Minority Student Caucus. Interviewed 2/22/2016 by Bill Jenkins, assisted by Vic Schoenbach: Part 1, Part 2   (find more in Vic's "Virtual Library")

In memoriam Remembering Abdel Omran

In memoriam Remembering Bert Kaplan

In memoriam Remembering Bill Jenkins

In memoriam Remembering Caroline Becker (see page 19)

In memoriam Remembering Cecil Slome (see page 18)

In memoriam Remembering Edward Ellis

In memoriam Remembering Ethel Jean Jackson

In memoriam Remembering Jo Anne Earp

In memoriam Remembering John Anderson

In memoriam Remembering John Cassel

In memoriam Remembering Joan Cornoni Huntley

In memoriam Remembering Marilyn Vine

In memoriam Remembering Michael O'Malley

In memoriam Remembering Paul Godley

In memoriam Remembering Steve Meshnick

In memoriam Remembering Steve Wing

In memoriam Remembering Ward Cates

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Vic scrapbook

Publications, reports, presentations, interviews, etc.

Appreciations and awards

20th century video snippets   EPID Dept Christmas Skit [more]

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library Archives photos of Vic meeting President Kennedy on October 24, 1961 at the White House (video)

Photos from the 1970s   London   Carrboro

Some of my contributions over the years

Faculty profile (not sure where the "DDS" in Health Education came from instead of my MSPH!)

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Verify Before You Buy website dedicated to exposing fake online pharmacies (per Living power, NC Retired Governmental Employees' Association July-Aug 2017)

Foldit enables you (or your children) to contribute to science by solving puzzles

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1/24/2019, 2/7,11/2019, ..., 8/30/2022, 10/31/2022, 12/3/2022, 5/13/2023, 9/2/2023, 5/19/2024, 9/7/2024