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- Empirical Evaluation of the Possible Contribution of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program to Reduction in Drug-Related Mortality
Michael C. Dillbeck and Kenneth L. Cavanaugh. Medicina 2023; 59(2):195; https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina59020195
Existing evidence warrants implementation and further evaluation of this approach in U.S. public health initiatives.
- Exploring the Science of Meditation on Trauma, Stress, and the Brain: Addiction Recovery Panel (26 min)
Leading experts in the field of addiction recovery, including Elizabeth Cairns, Jan Gryczynski, Ph.D. Cindy Feinberg, CPC, CAI discuss the benefits of utilizing TM in the treatment of addiction recovery. Excerpted from 2-hour webcast, National Summit: Exploring the science of meditation on trauma, stress, and the brain, December 8, 2016
- Bill Wilson, TM, and the 11th Step
By George Kolodner, March 6, 2015 Editor’s Note: I was introduced to Transcendental Meditation three years ago through Dr. Norman Rosenthal’s book Transcendence. It sounded like a simple way to help manage the stress of everyday life, so I got the training and have been practicing regularly ever since. For me, it has not only improved my ability to respond to stress, but has also stimulated my mind to move in more creative directions. It is so effortless that I thought that it would be ideal for my patients in early recovery, who usually find that focused-based meditation techniques are too difficult. I discovered that research had in fact been done in the 1990s documenting the usefulness of TM in addiction treatment. More recently, I was surprised to learn that late in his life, AA Co-Founder Bill Wilson had been trained in TM and had found it to be helpful. When I learned that the person who had trained him was still doing TM training, I contacted him, and he graciously agreed to this interview.
- Removing the motivator: A holistic solution to substance abuse
George A. Ellis and Pat Corum. pp. 271-296. In: Self-Recovery: Treating Addictions Using Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Ayur-Veda, by David F O'Connell and Charles N Alexander, Routledge, 2014.
- Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, vol. 11, issues 1-2, 1994 - special issue on Transcendental Meditation
This issue has 7 articles on Transcendental Meditation and substance abuse, primarily alcohol abuse. PDFs are available from the journal's website, but they are not open access. The articles do not have abstracts, but the conclusions from several of them are in this document.
- Self Recovery: Treating addictions using Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Ayur-Veda
David F. O'Connel and Charles N. Alexander, editors. Haworth Press, 1994. Also published as Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1994;11(1/2 and 3/4)
- The Emerging Role of Meditation in Addressing Psychiatric Illness, with a Focus on Substance Use Disorders
The Emerging Role of Meditation in Addressing Psychiatric Illness, with a Focus on Substance Use Disorders Elias Dakwar & Frances R. Levin. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2009;17(4):254-267.
- Treating and Preventing Alcohol, Nicotine, and Drug Abuse Through Transcendental Meditation: A Review and Statistical Meta-Analysis
Treating and Preventing Alcohol, Nicotine, and Drug Abuse Through Transcendental Meditation: A Review and Statistical Meta-Analysis Charles N. Alexander, Pat Robinson, Maxwell Rainforth. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 1994;11(1-2):13-87 No abstract
- Effectiveness of Broad Spectrum Approaches to Relapse Prevention in Severe Alcoholism
Effectiveness of Broad Spectrum Approaches to Relapse Prevention in Severe Alcoholism: A Long-Term, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Transcendental Meditiation, EMG Biofeedback and Electronic Neurotherapy Edward Tuab, Solomon S. Steiner, Eric Weingarten & Kenneth G. Walton. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1994;11(1-2).
- Secondary Prevention of Drug Dependence through the Transcendental Meditation Program in Metropolitan Philadelphia
Raymond J. Monahan (1977) Secondary Prevention of Drug Dependence through the Transcendental Meditation Program in Metropolitan Philadelphia, International Journal of the Addictions, 12:6, 729-754, DOI: 10.3109/10826087709024122