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- A Profile of North Carolina Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Health Disparities, 2011
A Profile of North Carolina Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Health Disparities, 2011 Derrick D. Matthews, PhD, MPH and Joseph G. L. Lee, MPH, CPH. Am J Public Health. 2014 June; 104(6): e98–e105. Abstract Objectives. We investigated the health profile of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults in North Carolina, the first state in the South to include a measure of sexual orientation identity in a probability-based statewide health survey. Methods. Using data from 9876 respondents in the 2011 North Carolina Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, we compared sexual minorities to heterosexuals on a variety of health indicators. Results. LGB respondents were younger and more likely to be reached by cell phone. Many examined indicators were not different by sexual orientation. Significant results, however, were consistent with findings from state population surveys in other regions of the country, including disparities in mental health and, among women, smoking. Conclusions. Reporting LGB identity in North Carolina is associated with poorer health. The concentration of anti-LGB policies in the South warrants ongoing monitoring of LGB health disparities in North Carolina and in other Southeastern states for potential effects on the health and well-being of LGB populations.
- Frank Bruni - Sex, Lies and Houston
Sex, Lies and Houston Frank Bruni SundayReview | Op-Ed Columnist, November 7, 2015
- Gender issues.htm
Citations and links courtesy of Vanessa Miller
- LGBTQ Activist Cleve Jones: 'I'm Well Aware How Fragile Life Is'
Fresh Air, Nov. 29, 2016 Longtime activist Cleve Jones has dedicated his life to working with members of the LGBTQ community, but growing up he felt like the only gay person in the world. He tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross that he felt so isolated as a teenager that he considered suicide. Then he read about the gay liberation movement in Life magazine and his outlook changed.
- Sex, gender identity, NC HB2 debate
- SPLC to RNC Chair: Tell party members to stop associating with groups that defame the LGBT community
9/24/2014: "The Southern Poverty Law Center and a coalition of civil rights groups today called on the head of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to urge party members to disassociate themselves from groups behind this week’s Values Voter Summit because of their relentless demonization of the LGBT community." (Follow-up article in SPLC Report, winter 2014;44(4):p3)
- The State of Things - 'Upstairs Inferno' Shows Forgotten LGBT History
'Upstairs Inferno' Shows Forgotten LGBT History By Anita Rao & Frank Stasio The State of Things, WUNC Radio, 8/18/2015
- The State of Things - Meet Terri Phoenix (48 min)
Meet Terri Phoenix (48 min) Anita Rao & Frank Stasio, Apr 21, 2014 "Terri is now the director of the LGBTQ Center at UNC-Chapel Hill. Host Frank Stasio talks to Terri about how being queer and transgender has shaped T's work to help other students and members of the UNC community." (courtesy of the Internet Archive)