Celebrating The Life of Bill Jenkins

On Saturday, March 16, 1 PM, a Meeting for Worship with Attention to Celebrating the Life of Bill Jenkins will be held in the Chapel Hill Meeting Schoolhouse. Bill, and his wife Diane, attended our meeting for three or four years; they were members of the Atlanta Friends Meeting. In that short time period, most people experienced Bill with an ongoing twinkle in his eye, an open and welcoming face, and as Co-Clerk of the Peace and Justice Committee. Both inside and outside CHFM, Bill was “an extraordinary leader in public health and a lifelong advocate for addressing racism in our society and eliminating health disparities."
https://apha.org/news -and - media/news-releases/apha-news-releases/2019/bill-jenkins

Please join us to celebrate Bill and remember how he touched each of our lives.

Jan Hutton, Janhutton1@gmail.com
Naveed Moeed, naveedmoeed@gmail.com