Minority Cancer Control Research Program advisory boardThis photo, taken on the steps of McGavran-Greenberg Hall, UNC School of Public Health, during a meeting of the MCCRP Advisory Board in the 1990s, includes board members attending the meeting, investigators, consultants, staff, and supporters of the MCCRP. Left-to-right: Paul Godley, Joseph Pagano, Margaret Foster, Victor Schoenbach, James Sorenson, Sandra Headen, Bill Small, Lemuel Evans, ____, Charles Blackmon, Charles Wheeler, Howard Fitts, ____, Barbara Hulka, Geni Eng, Victor Strecher, Tim Aldrich, Shelton Earp, Russell Harris, Bob Robinson, Mark Kramer?, Gary King, Robert Sandler, ____. Higher resolution version in K:\VicsScansandImages\People\People2005\MCCRPadvisoryBoardMtg.ZIP