During the 1980s-1990s the Department held a holiday party, usually in December, in a venue such as an apartment clubhouse, the student lounge in Rosenau, Barbara Hulka's house, or a university or community facility. At many of the parties the highlight was skits presented by the students and by faculty and staff. Joyce Allen and Marilyn Vine were the principal authors of the faculty/staff skits. Vic found one videorecording - if you know of others, please share them! Many of us will always be grateful to Joyce Allen and Marilyn Vine, the playwrights for the faculty skits, and to the student playwrights - who I hope will some day reveal themselves!
- Up one level
- AlibabbaAndTheMagicMousePad.doc
Rehearsal script for Alibaba and the Magic Mousepad, Department of Epidemiology faculty Christmas party skit created by Marilyn Vine and performed December 10 (1993??).
- Epidemiology Squares Christmas Skit (25 min video recording)
Marilyn wrote, directed, and starred in this Department of Epidemiology Christmas skit held in the Rosenau Hall students lounge during the 1990s. Amy Sayle and Barbara Hulka co-starred. Additional performers were (left to right, top row to bottom): Gail King, Neal Simonsen, ?, Jeff Korte, Vic Schoenbach, Carl Shy, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Terry Hudgens, ? Marilyn wrote and co-wrote (with Joyce Allen, who wrote earlier skits) several of the annual faculty-staff Christmas skits from that era.
- Friday Night Live
1992 faculty skit by Marilyn Vine. After completing her doctoral program in the Department of Epidemiology and receiving her PhD in August 1988, Marilyn Vine served on the Department of Epidemiology faculty. Sadly, about a dozen years later she developed ovarian cancer, which took her life in 2002. Marilyn wrote many of the faculty skits performed during the 1990s. This script also lists the cast and shows the stage arrangement.
- PhotosFromSkits.pdf
- SkitRehearsalMemoranda.pdf
- The Faculty Meeting
Draft script, most likely written by Joyce Allen. Need to find out when/where it was performed.
- The Initiation
On-boarding of a new faculty member. Notes: EPID268 is now EPID715; EPID269 is now EPID718. The VAX was the School of Public Health central computer system used during the 1980s for productivity applications (e.g., email, word processing, ...) but not statistical analysis. "Floppy discs" were 5-1/4" (flexible) diskettes used with 1980s IBM-compatible personal computers.
- The Move
The Move was presumably inspired by the Department's move from Rosenau Hall to McGavran-Greenberg (in 1991?).