24th Annual Minority Health Conference
March 1, 2002

Videotapes of the
William T. Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture by Sherman. A. James, Ph.D.

Registered sites are entitled to make one videotaped copy of the broadcast for use within their organization. Sites may register solely for the purpose of recording the broadcast for later use. Permission to make additional copies may be requested from Minority_Health@unc.edu

In response to requests for additional videotaped copies, we have obtained a quote from a local vendor that comes to about $12/tape (including shipping and handling). Persons or organizations desiring to obtain VHS tapes of the broadcast for noncommercial, nonbroadcast use (showing to a class of primarily registered participants, even if via distance learning, is not considered broadcast for this purpose) may order tapes through our web site until April 30, 2002.

Payment of $12/tape (by check or money order only, please) will be required in advance. Make the checks payable to "School of Public Health/Minority Health Conference". Orders must be received by April 30, 2002 and payment by May 15, 2002. We expect videotapes to be duplicated and shipped by the vendor in June 2002.

Order videotapes of the William T.Small, Jr. Keynote Lecture by Sherman A. James, Ph.D

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02/18/2002raj, 02/24/02raj, 03/24/02raj Minority_Health@unc.edu