Adaora A. Adimora, M.D., M.P.H

Dr. Adaora Adimora (PI) is a physician-epidemiologist with specialty training and extensive clinical experience in infectious diseases, particularly HIV, both in NC and NYC. She received her medical degree from the Yale University School of Medicine and completed specialty training at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, NY. Prior to coming to UNC, she served as Assistant Chief for Science of the NC Health Department's Communicable Disease Control Section. Dr. Adimora has published the first national data on concurrent partnerships in U.S. women in the National Survey of Family Growth and a conceptual analysis of contextual factors that promote concurrent sexual partnerships among African Americans. She is completing the analysis of a population-based case-control study of newly-reported heterosexually acquired HIV among African Americans in North Carolina, with an emphasis on the rural, eastern region of the state. Dr. Adimora is the recipient of a career development award for analysis of data on concurrent sexual partnerships.

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