Where is the Minority Health Research Catalog???

The Minority Health Research Catalog was an online catalog containing citations of journal articles, books, ongoing research, and works in progress relevant to investigators interested in minority health research. The Catalog contained information about the publication, such as title of article, the source of the article, year of publication, and an abstract. The vast majority of entries in the Catalog were found by searching National Library of Medicine Databases, in particular, MEDLINE, AIDSLINE, BioethicsLINE, and HealthStar. 

Since the National Library of Medicine Databases became accessible directly via the web, the Minority Health Project Research Catalog has no longer provided a unique service. The Catalog was last updated in June 1999 and will be discontinued completely when the Project's web site completes its transfer to a new web server. We are pleased to have been able to provide this service during the past several years and commend to your attention the National Library of Medicine (NLM) web site, for more complete and up-to-date searches.

The URLs for the NLM website are:

For a list of minority-health related keywords to use in performing your searches, see "Details about the Research Catalog contents", below.

* Details about the Research Catalog contents.
* Search the Minority Health Research Catalog (discontinued)
* How WAIS searches the catalog (discontinued)

Return to the Minority Health Home Page. 

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Public Health

4/11/2000, 4/14/2000 Minority_Health@unc.edu