University of North Carolina School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology

EPID600, Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health

Module structure (Internet, Spring 2010)


EPID600 is organized as a series of modules. Each module has a lecture, textbook and/or additional reading, and a case study reading and assignment. The following table shows the structure of a typical module. The module extends over two weeks, with the second week devoted to group work on the case study. During the first week each student works the case study and submits her/his answers to selected questions, for credit. During the second week (Wed2, Fri2) the group agrees on a set of answers which are submitted for grading.

Schedule for a typical module (e.g., Measuring diseases (case study: HIV in Zimbabwe)

Activity By when (Internet course) Submission due
Read textbook, preview lecture and case study Mon
Attend/listen to lecture Tue
TA mini-lecture or Live Meeting T,W,or Th
Re-read case study and answer all questions Wed-Fri Due Sun
Group work on case study answers Sat-Wed2 Due Thu2

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1/2/2010 by Vic