EPID600 (Spring 2009) Submission form for
Case Study on Investigating disease outbreaks
A. Start here to submit your answers for Case Study on Investigating disease outbreaks.
You may submit as many or as few answers at a time as you wish and come back to the form at a later time to submit more. (You won’t see your previous answers but the confirmation email from your first submission documents that they were submitted.)
B. You will receive a copy of your submission to the email address listed for you in the official class roll. Please review the email carefully. If you see something that was not transmitted the way you intended, you may resubmit that answer (by itself or with others) as often as you need to for up to 24 hours after the original deadline. Any answers included in a submission replace those (and only those)
answers from previous submissions. Answers that are not replaced will not appear in your confirmation email but have not been erased.
C. Please compose, save, edit, spell check, and review your answers
in your word processing program. We suggest that you print them out and proof them on
paper. When you are satisfied with them, copy and paste each answer into the appropriate location in the submission form.
D. Please note that your answers can include only text (letters,
numbers, and punctuation). Bolding, underscores, italics, and
figures will NOT be preserved. If you want to include a table
it must be laid out in regular text, e.g.
My table example
Abc Ghi Total
Jkl 20 30 50
Mno 50 90 140
Total 70 120 190
Permissible and impermissible assistance
Knowingly violating the Honor Code is a very serious matter at UNC-CH. Instructors are required to report violations. If the Student Attorney General finds sufficient evidence of a violation, the student will be taken before the Honor Court. The Court can recommend probation, suspension, or expulsion, along with an academic sanction. The minimum academic sanction is a failing grade on the assignment. Assisting another student can be punished as severely as obtaining assistance. (For more information, see http://honor.unc.edu)
For case studies, “unauthorized aid” means access, directly or indirectly, to the instructor answers. Other resources and collaboration are permitted. (If you have worked with another student or students on your case study answers, please give their names in the box below.)
If you have had access to the instructor answers to this case study
provide details in the text box below.
Disclosing the circumstances may permit an alternate resolution than a report to the Honor System, since concealment will not be a factor. If you have observed a possible Honor Code violation on the part of another EPID600 student, please provide specifics here or by other means. Academic integrity is both an individual and collective responsibility.
The box below is for disclosing collaboration - you will submit your Case Study on Investigating disease outbreaks answers on the page that appears after you submit your honor pledge.
Honor Pledge
On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment or I have disclosed the circumstances above.
Your first name:
Your last name:
Your group # :
What is a PID?
What is an ONYEN?
Are these your group’s consensus answers?
EPID600, Spring, 2009 cs14
form updated 9/1/2007vs, 1/11/2008vs, 12/27,29/2008vs