UNC - Department of Epidemiology
EPID600 - Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health

CORRECTED Course schedule, Internet edition, Fall 2007
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Date Day Time Activity Topic
  1.  Orientation and Introduction
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
8/21 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
  2.  Studying Populations
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
8/28 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
8/31 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
9/6 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
  3.  Measuring Disease - Incidence and Prevalence
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
9/4 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
9/7 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
9/13 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
  4.  Natural History - Population Screening
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
9/11 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
9/14 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
9/20 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
9/16 This week Submit 1st Peer Evaluation web form
9/16 This week Submit 1st TA Evaluation web form
  5.  Study Designs - Intervention Trials
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
9/18 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
9/21 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
9/27 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
9/28 Fri   1st Examination available on Blackboard web site
  6.  Study Designs - Cross-sectional and Ecologic Studies
[objectives] [instructions] [slides]
9/25 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
10/4 Thu   1st Examination DUE (submit via web form by end of day in your choice of time zone)
  7.  Study Designs - Cohort Studies
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
10/2 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
10/5 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
10/11 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
  8.  Study Designs - Case-Control Studies
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
10/9 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
10/12 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
10/18 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
  9.  Sources of Error - Selection Bias
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
10/16 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
10/19 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
10/25 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
10/26 Fri   2nd Examination available on Blackboard web site
  10.  Sources of Error - Information Bias
[objectives] [instructions] [slides]
10/23 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
11/1 Thu   2nd Examination DUE (submit via web form by end of day in your choice of time zone)
  11.  Multicausality - Confounding
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
10/30 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
  11.  Multicausality - Confounding (continued)
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
11/6 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
11/9 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
11/15 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
  12.  Data Analysis and Interpretation; Causal Inference
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
11/13 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
11/16 Fri any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
11/27 Tue   3rd Examination DUE (submit via web form by end of day in your choice of time zone)
  12.  Data Analysis and Interpretation (continued)
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
11/20 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
11/29 Thu any time webform   Facilitator submits group’s case study answers
  13.  Outbreak Investigation
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
11/27 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
12/5 Wed any time webform   Submit individual case study answers
12/2 This week Submit 2nd Peer Evaluation web form
12/2 This week Submit course evaluation web form (link in Blackboard)
  14.  Epidemiology and Public Health
[objectives] [instructions] [slides] [case study questions]
12/4 Tue   Lecture   Audio tutorial, speaker notes, or Rosenau 133 (3:30pm)
University Registrar Calendar EPID600 home page CORRECTED rev. 8/18,31/2007, 9/1,3,4,5/2007