EPID600 (Spring 2013) module
I. Introduction, Epidemiology and public health

Questions for Case Study on Introduction to Epidemiology 600 (View instructions)

(NOTE: For some of these questions there may not be one "right answer".)

This case study and the last case study are different from the others. Both are required and will not count toward the course grade. Every member of the class should submit answers to the starred questions and, optionally, to the remaining questions. There is no group submission.

Take the "Quantitative Self-Test" and note down how long it took you. Then check your answers (See Sakai|Course Materials|I. Introduction) and record the number of questions you answered correctly (for all parts of the question). Then enter the result in answer to question 7, below, along with the time you spent answering the questions (not checking the answers).

  1. Briefly, why are you taking EPID600, how do you see knowledge of epidemiology serving you in the future, and what is the primary knowledge or skills you hope to take away from the course?

  2. About how many hours do you expect to devote to EPID600 each week? (Please begin your answer with a number, followed by a semi-colon, and continue with anything else you wish to include.)

Read the page "Rules for collaborating" (in Sakai).

  3. (Required) Are there any restrictions on students' working together on case study answers? May students work with students in small groups other than their own?

  4. (Required) May students help one another on examinations? (Explain briefly.)

  5. (Required) Have you received some or all of the EPID600 course materials (other than the textbook) from a prior semester? If yes, please give the name(s) of the person who gave or sold them to you.

  6. (Required) Do you have or have you received instructor answers to EPID600 case studies or examinations? If so, what have you done with them?

Please note: Your submitted answers to the following questions will be extracted by a somewhat unsophisticated computer program. For best results, please provide your answers in the form requested. It's very helpful if everything before the first semicolon can be used without modification. For example, if you answer question 8 "Just Jeff", your name will be read as "Just" :-) Thanks!

  7. The "Quantitative Self-Test" has 17 questions. For how many of these questions did you get the correct answers (for all parts of the question)? How long did it take you to answer the questions? (Please enter the score, a semi-colon, and then the time and any comments.

  8. Students and instructors in EPID600 go by our first names. If you go by something other than your formal first name as shown on the class roll (which comes from official University records), what would you like us to call you? Note: The computer program that extracts your answer will read the first word you give as your preferred name, so please use correct capitalization and omit any other word(s). If you wish to elaborate, please precede the explanation with a semi-colon. Example: Sue; My actual first name is Supawadee. (If you go by your formal first name as in University records, please start your answer with a semicolon.)

  9. If the instructors should have occasion to refer to you in the third person, which pronouns are appropriate? (Please copy and paste the appropriate response below into the answer box so that the computer program will recognize it. Should you wish to include a comment, please precede it with a semicolon.)

  1. She, hers, her
  2. He, his, him

10. The email address listed for you in the UNC directory (http://directory.unc.edu) is included in the class roll and also used for all emails sent through Sakai. If you wish to change that address, you must do so via my.unc.edu (changing your email address in Sakai works only temporarily). If you use other email addresses as well, please provide them here, separated by commas, since sometimes we cannot identify emails we receive. (e.g., gypsimama@gmail.com)

11. If you would like Vic to be able to contact you after you leave UNC, please provide a “persistent” email address here.

12. To help us get to know each other, please introduce yourself below. These answers will be posted in the Sakai course website for this class. (Access is available to all enrolled students in the class, including auditors, and to students completing a grade of IN from a previous class, to instructors and UNC staff involved in delivering the course, and occasionally to faculty from other universities who have requested permission to view our Sakai web site.)

13. Do you have a laptop or tablet computer that you can bring to lecture and/or lab?


5/4/2012, 8/15/2012, 1/9,12/2013