EPID600 (Spring 2013) module
XII. Error: Selection and information bias

  1. Click here to see the objectives for this module.

  2. Read: Aschengrau and Seage, ch. 10 - Bias

  3. Attend the lecture in Rosenau Auditorium.

  4. Read J. Frantzen, T.G.W. Speel, L.A. Kiemeney and E.J.H. Meuleman. Cardiovascular Risk Among Men Seeking Help for Erectile Dysfunction. Annals of Epidemiology 2006 (February); 16(2):85-90. (abstract, UNC-CH: full text)

  5. Answer the case study questions (before your small group discussion). Write succinct answers that include a brief explanation or statement of support.

gc. 2013a class casestudies