Directory Home
American Academy of Pediatric
Section on Epidemiology
American College of Preventive
American College of Epidemiology
American Diabetes Association
Council on Epidemiology & Statistics
American Epidemiology Society
American Public Health Association
American Statistical Association
(ASA) Section on Statistics in Epidemiology (SIE)
Association for Professionals
in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc
of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario
Canadian Society for Epidemiology
and Biostatistics (CSEB)
Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists (CSTE)
Danish Epidemiologic Society
Kong Epidemiology Association (HKEA)
International Epidemiology Association
IEA European Federation
International Genetic Epidemiology
International Society for Environmental
International Society for
Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE)
Society for the Analysis
of African-American Public Health Issues (SAAPHI)
Society for Epidemiologic Research
Society for Pediatric & Perinatal
Epidemiology (SPER)
Society for Social Medicine
- UK & Ireland

Betsy Foxman (APHA-Epi), Jennifer O'Loughlin (CSEB), David
Savitz (SER/ IEA), Edem Ekwo (SPER), Bart Harvey (ACPM), Sarah Patrick (CSTE),
Ray Hoffmann (ASA-SIE), Jose F. Cordero (APHA-Epi), Allen Wilcox (AES),
Dan Neuspiel (AAP-Epi), Lisa Berkman (SER), Eric Rimm (AHA-Epi), Richard
Gallagher (CSEB), Jonathan Samet (ACE), Robert McKeown (APHA-Epi), Donna
Spiegelman (ASA-SIE), Jack Siemiatycki (CSEB), Roger Siervogel (IGES), Susan
Sacks (ISPE), Irva Hertz-Picciotto (ISEE), Richard A Kaslow (ACE), Dale
P. Sandler (ACE), Michael Bracken (Chair, 2001 Congress of Epidemiology
Planning Committee).
In conjunction with
the first North American Congress of Epidemiology held in Toronto in 2001
[Anout / News
/ Photos], a meeting
of the leaders of fifteen Epidemiology Societies was organized and sponsored
by the Epidemiology Section of the American Public Health Association,
under the leadership of Betsy Foxman. The purpose of this meeting was
to identify ways to increase communication among epidemiology societies
and coordinate activities.
An invitation to participate in the meeting was issued to all societies
whose names were displayed by an Internet search of the terms "epidemiology"
and "society." Representatives decided to create an even more inclusive web
site and directory. Any society whose primary focus is epidemiology or
health-related population studies is welcome to join. Responsibility for
maintaining the web site has been assumed by the American College of
Epidemiology (see below for contact information).
Page design: Betsy Foxman and Victor Schoenbach, Photography: Sarah L. Patrick, MPH, PhD
Page creation: Raj Medapalli
Updated 8/10/03 vs