Dr. Linet is Chief, Population
Studies Section in the Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer
Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute. She
has led landmark studies on the relationship of non-ionizing radiation
exposures from power lines and electrical appliances in relation to childhood
leukemia. More recently, she has evaluated the role of wireless communication
devices in a comprehensive study of brain tumors in adults. Dr. Linet is also
internationally recognized for research on the relationship of a range of
environmental exposures, specific medical conditions, surgical treatments,
medications, and vaccinations to childhood and adult leukemias, lymphomas, and
brain tumors. In collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine,
Dr. Linet and her colleagues at NCI have quantified the dose-response
relationship of occupational exposure to benzene with adult hematological
malignancies and related disorders. She has also collaborated with Swedish
colleagues at the Karolinska Institute and Danish colleagues at the Division for
Cancer Epidemiology in the Danish Cancer Society on a series of linked registry
studies of cancer risk and mortality among cohorts of patients hospitalized for
various disorders and/or surgical procedures. Dr. Linet serves as an advisor to
the Leukaemia Research Fund (London) and the European Institute of Oncology
(Milan). She is a member of the Standing Committee on Epidemiology of the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the Advisory
Group on Cancer and the Environment to the American Cancer Society and is
government liaison member from NCI on the Committee on Environmental Health of
the American Academy of Pediatrics. |