Position in ACE: Treasurer, 10/97 - 9/02
Biographical Sketch:

Dr. Fontham is a member of the faculty at Louisiana State University School of Medicine where she is Professor and Chair of the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.  She also serves as Associate Director of the Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center. As a cancer epidemiologist, her research interests have focused on the etiology and natural history of gastric cancer and on the etiology of cancers with a unique profile in Louisiana, in particular cancers of the lung, stomach and pancreas.  She has participated in multi-disciplinary research, combining epidemiology and laboratory sciences, for many years, predating the term “molecular epidemiology.” 

She is currently an Associate Editor of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Chair of the Scientific Editorial Board of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, and recently appointed to the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Cancer Institute for Epidemiology & Genetics and Clinical Research.  She is active in the American Cancer Society at the national, regional and local levels and serves on the Boards of Directors of several other organizations.  Within ACE, she has been involved in a variety of activities and committees, including the Executive Committee, Finance, Admissions, Policy and Awards.   

Academic Degrees:
BA Louisiana State University 1968 Chemistry
MPH Tulane University 1978 Epidemiology
DrPH Tulane University 1983 Epidemiology