Seal of the American College of Epidemiology, 1979: chronos, topos, demos American College of Epidemiology

Membership Information
The American College of Epidemiology is the professional organization dedicated to continued education and advocacy for epidemiologists in their efforts to promote public health. ACE serves the interests of its members through sponsorship of scientific meetings, publications, educational activities, recognition of outstanding contributions to the field, and advocacy for issues pertinent to the practice of epidemiology.

Membership Criteria
There are three categories of College membership—Members, Fellows, and Associate Members.

Criteria for Members consist of:

  • a doctoral degree in epidemiology;
  • or, a doctoral degree in a field relevant to epidemiology and specific formal training in epidemiology of at least one year’s duration equivalent to a master of science degree;
  • or, a doctoral degree in a field relevant to epidemiology and at least two years of supervised and structured experience in the practice of epidemiology;
  • or, a doctoral degree in a field relevant to epidemiology and demonstrated sustained experience and productivity in the practice of epidemiology.

In addition to meeting the criteria for Membership, Fellows are distinguished by their significant and sustained contributions to the profession through research or through a leadership role in the practice of epidemiology.

The criterion for Associate Member is enrollment in training that, when completed satisfactorily, would qualify the applicant for admission into the College.

Membership Benefits
As part of the largest organization focused on the professional needs of epidemiologists, members form an important network to promote epidemiology as both a discipline and a profession. As a Member or Fellow you have an opportunity to vote and hold leadership positions in the College governance structure. Associate Members may sit on all College committees as well as on the Board of Directors

You receive a free subscription to the College’s official journal, Annals of Epidemiology, now published eight times a year, as well as the quarterly Newsletter and the annual membership directory. Members also receive reduced fees for annual meeting registration and for all other ACE publications and services.

Admission Procedures
Applications for any category of membership are reviewed by the Admissions Committee and voted on by the Board of Directors. A decision on admission is reached through a review of credentials. The areas considered by the Admissions Committee in determining qualifications for membership are training, education, experience, and contributions to the profession.

To apply for membership, print out and complete this member application form, attach a copy of your vitae (and any other support materials), and mail it to: ACE Admissions
1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102
Raleigh, NC 27607

For further information, contact:

American College of Epidemiology
1500 Sunday Drive, Suite 102
Raleigh, NC 27607

(919) 861-5573
(919) 787-4916 Fax

Updated 12/27/03 vs