Epidemiology in a Changing World
Illustrated brochure (PDF file, 1.4 MB) Updated agenda Registration form

Epidemiology faces a rapidly changing environment. New infections are emerging and old ones are changing quickly in the global economy. Violence gains recognition as a threat to public health. Against a backdrop of rising national income, poverty remains a key factor in health, and income inequality emerges as an issue for investigation. At the same time, basic understanding of genetics, immunology, and molecular biology is growing exponentially, enlarging our toolbox. The rising tide of public expectations alters how we gather data and how we share findings. Together these changes will affect the diseases we study and how we study them. Join us at our 2000 Annual Meeting as we explore the ways epidemiology can adapt to the changing world. The annual meeting includes pre-conference workshops, three symposia on current challenges in epidemiology, contributed poster sessions, roundtable discussion groups, a luncheon banquet, and a plenary debate.

Plenary symposia include:

Infection and Protection: An examination of current challenges in infectious disease. Speakers examine emerging infections in the global village; encephalitis in Malaysia, Singapore, and New York City; the evolving views of infectious agents in chronic diseases; and the vexing policy issues in childhood and adult immunization.

Epidemiologists Look at Society: An examination of new views on social class, race, gender, inequality and disease. Panelists discuss the challenges in the measurement of social class and race in epidemiologic studies; domestic violence as a case study of social epidemiology; chronic diseases in relation to class, race, gender and inequality.

Pestilence and Molecular Epidemiology: Using new tools to understand the interactions of agents and hosts. Speakers explore recent findings that emerge from harnessing new molecular probes to classical epidemiology; Epstein-Barr virus, a ubiquitous virus with uncommon effects; the model of HIV interacting with genes that offer protection from AIDS; tuberculosis and other returning diseases.

Other highlights:

Pre-Conference Workshops offered on Sunday, September 24:include: risk assessment for the epidemiologist, exposure measurement in epidemiologic studies, how to give an effective scientific presentation, basics of molecular genetics for epidemiologists, new methods for multivariate analysis, and how to develop a teaching portfolio.

Keynote address: Bioterrorism, Infectious Disease and Epidemiology.

Luncheon workshop: Conflicts of Interest in Epidemiology

Roundtable discussions: Surveillance and privacy; the politics of prevention; epidemiologists as expert legal witnesses; and many other topics.

Scientific Poster Session: Abstracts on any topic relevant to epidemiology will be considered for poster presentation. Prizes for best posters, best student poster.

Deadline for submitting abstracts - April 1, 2000
Download Abstract Submission Form (Adobe PDF)

Debate: Epidemiologists should always put their data in a public archive.

For further information, contact the College at (919) 787-5181 or by e-mail at info@acepidemiology.org

Hotel Information:

ACE has made arrangements with the Ritz-Carlton Buckhead for special rates for meeting participants. The room rate for this meeting is $179 single or double occupancy. This does not include city and state taxes of 7% 1or occupancy tax of 7%. You may make reservations by phoning the Ritz Carlton at (404) 237-2700 and tell them you are attending the ACE Annual Meeting. To secure these special rates, you must make your reservations prior to August 27, 2000.

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Last updated 7/14/2000 Victor Schoenbach