Seal of the American College of Epidemiology, 1979: chronos, topos, demos American College of Epidemiology           








Minority Affairs




(If you are interested in serving on a committee, please complete the Committee Participation Form. At the request of the Committee chair, you may be asked to complete an additional form describing relevant experience, or other qualifications, and your likely contributions to that Committee. Please note that all appointments are made by the President of the College. Chair appointments are for one year and require annual review; individuals may serve as Chair for more than one year.)

  • Admissions
    The Admissions Committee is charged with receiving and reviewing applications for admission to membership in the College and promotion to Fellow within the College. The Committee then makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Admissions Committee is composed of the Secretary, Treasurer (ex officio), and five other Fellows or Members of the College appointed by the President for five years.
    Nancy Kreiger (Chair, ex officio)
    Henry Anderson (2008)
    Marianne Berwick (2008)
    James Collins (ex officio)
    John McLaughlin (2004)
    Mary Ward (2007)
    Zuo-Feng Zhang (Board liaison)
    Paul Levine, Comm Ctte Liaison
  • Awards
    The Awards Committee has the honor of selecting recepients for the Student Prize Award and the Lilienfeld Award. The committee consists of a minimum of five Fellows, and at least one of these is a member of the Board of Directors. Awards Committee members serve for five years.
    Roger Bernier (2006), Chair
    Clark Heath, Jr. (2003)
    Philip C. Nasca (2003)
    Shirley Thompson (2004)
    Mary Nelson-Tran, Comm Ctte Liaison
  • Communications
    This committee is responsible for identifying and investigating innovative communications vehicles (e.g., Web site) to meet evolving member needs and for promoting a better understanding of the profession of epidemiology to other health professions and the public. The Communications Committee consists of five Fellows or Members, and at least one of these is a member of the Board of Directors. Fellows and Members of the committee are appointed by the President for five-year terms. Representation on the committee includes individuals from academia, industry, and federal and state government to ensure the fullest representation of practicing epidemiologists. The committee also serves as a liaison between the Board of Directors and Members/Fellows to ensure a timely and mutual exchange of information on matters pertaining to the practice of epidemiology.
    Carlos Camargo (2005), Chair & Board Liaison
    Carol Burns (2003)
    Daniel Lackland (2007)
    J. Morel Symons (2004)
    Jan M.H. Risser (2004)
    Victor J. Schoenbach (2003)
    Mary Nelson-Tran (2007)
    Paul Levine, Newsletter Editor (ex officio )
  • Ethics and Standards of Practice
    The Ethics and Standards of Practice (ESOP) Committee is charged with addressing issues of ethics and standard of practice important to the profession. The committee consists of five or more Fellows or Members, appointed by the President, for five-year terms.
    Robert McKeown (2003), Chair
  • Finance
    The finance committee is responsible for long range budgeting and investment of ACE funds, and serves in an advisory capacity to th
    se Treasurer and the Board of Directors. The committee consists of a minimum of five Fellows or Members who serve five-year terms. At least one of these is a member of the Board of Directors, and the Treasurer is an ex-officio member.
    Germaine Buck (2007), Chair
    Denise Oleske (2004), Vice Chair
    James Collins (ex officio)
    Terry Fontham (2005)
    Ken Mundt (2008)
    Denise Oleska (2004)
    Carol Burns, Comm Ctte Liaison (2003)
  • Membership
    The Membership Committee is charged with developing strategies to recruit new members and to promote retention of current members. It is also responsible for recommending new services for members. The Committee consists of five or more Fellows or Members, appointed by the President for five-year terms.
    Lorann Stallones (2004), Chair
    John Acquavella (ex officio)
    Aaron Blair (2003)
    Jonine Berstein (2005)
    Sunday Clark (2005)
    Gregory Fant (2006)
    William Kohl (2004)
    Gary Marsh (2003)
    Pauline Mendola (2003)
    Melissa Perry (2004)
    Sally Vernon (2003)
    Daniel Lackland, Comm Ctte Liaison
  • Minority Affairs
    The Minority Affairs Committee assesses the status of minorities in the profession, the role of the College in promoting increased minority representation in epidemiology and in the College, and recommends actions to increase research on health concerns of minority populations. The committee is composed of five Fellows or Members appointed by the President to serve five-year terms.
    Vickie Mays (2004), Chair
    Victor J. Schoenbach* (2004), Secretary
    Hoda Anton-Culver (2007)
    Charles Hoff (2004)
    Jianshi (Jesse) Huang (2007)
    Jorge Ibarra (2004)
    Camara Jones (2003)
    Delroy M. Louden (2005)
    Kazim Sheikh (2006)
    Jonathan N. Tobin (2007)
    Elena Yu (2007)
    * Also Comm Ctte Liaison
  • Nominating
    The members of this committee present the names of at least two candidates for each vacancy on the Board of Directors to the membership by mail ballot. The committee consists of three Felllows or Members, appointed annually, none of whom is a member of the Board of Directors.
    Richard Kaslow (2004), Chair
    Victor Schoenbach, Comm Ctte Liaison
  • Policy
    The Policy Committee is responsible for developing policy positions and statements on behalf of the membership for approval by the Board of Directors. The committee consists of five Fellows or Members appointed to serve five-year terms.
    Brian I. Strom (2004), Chair & Board Liaison
    Melissa Bondy (2006)
    Charles Branas (2007)
    Carlos Camargo* (2005)
    Elizabeth (Terry) Fontham (2003)
    Robert Hiatt (2005)
    Camara Jones (2003)
    Gerry Raabe (2007)
    Harvey Risch (2006)
    Richard Rothenberg (2007)
    Susan T. Sacks (2005)
    Jonathan Samet (2006)
    Dale Sandler (2005)
    Sandra I. Sulsky (2007)
    G. Marie Swanson (2003)
    * Also Comm Ctte Liaison
  • Publications
    The committee is responsible for all scientific publications emanating from the College. The committee selects editors and establishes editorial and production policies and consists of a minimum of five Fellows or Members who serve five-year terms. At least one of these is a member of the Board of Directors.
    Martha Linet (2004), Chair & Board Liaison
    Melissa Bondy (2006), Vice-Chair
    Umed Ajani (2005)
    Ahmed Arif (2006)
    Hans Berkel (2006)
    Richard Baumgartner (2005)

    James Gurney (2006)
    Irene Hall (2005)
    Daniel Lackland (2005)
    David Lilienfeld (2006)
    Jan Risser, Comm Ctte Liaison


    Interested in participating in College governance activities?   Committee Participation Form

Updated 12/27/03 vs