About Epidemiolog.Net and Understanding the Fundamentals of Epidemiology - an Evolving Text

About epidemiolog.net and the Evolving Text

This web site was originally created during the late 1990s as a vehicle for disseminating Understanding the fundamentals of epidemiology - an evolving text and other learning materials developed during 21 years of teaching EPID168, the introductory course for majors in the Department of Epidemiology of the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Vic last taught that course in fall 2000; the course number was later changed to EPID710.)

These materials have been freely available for non-commercial use, including reproduction and distribution, as long as the original copyright and reference to this web site are included as the source.

Victor J. Schoenbach, Ph.D.
Department of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-7435 USA

When UNC decommissioned its AFS ("Andrews File Space") server, Vic imported the public pages for his course Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health (EPID160/EPID600) that he taught in the classroom (fall 2001 through spring 2013) and online (summer 2002 through fall 2016 plus fall 2017) [instructor list]. That course had previously been hosted on a UNC ColdFusion website, so some of the HTML code and filenames reflect that history. Note that lecture slides and case studies that Vic developed for that course may also be freely used for non-commercial purposes, as long as the source and this website are referenced.

Vic also imported two other websites that had resided on the AFS server: his faculty pages (https://www.epidemiolog.net/vjs) and his Minority Health Project website (https://www.epidemiolog.net/mhp/), the latter also a refugee ColdFusion refugee.

In May 2024, when UNC began its departure from the Sakai course management platform, Vic moved his "virtual library" and course materials related to his seminar course on "Social justice and equality" from Sakai to epidemiolog.net (https://www.epidemiolog.net/sjae). Note that the original epidemiolog.net materials remain on this site, in their original locations except for the earlier home page.

Please send comments to vjs@unc.edu. Although I retired in July 2018 (retirement party), I still receive email at this email address.

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Last updated 8/18/2001, 8/26/2006, 2/3/2019, 6/11/2024